Friday, November 25, 2011

Tales of a Tree

I was grown up following the time where I met daylight and the night fall without moving, In this ground I was stand alone where everything seems no different with other trees which grow on the ground  where the sun become a friend and the wind become my breathe. 

In this ground I was standing in front of the twilight where the sun on my vision is drown on west side, I'd never knew which one is actually moving, I don't know is is this ground which rotating or the sun which come and go also following the time. I don't need to know all those thing, what I need to do is growing and keep growing without made any destructive thing to the ground.

Sometimes when I saw human surround me who passing by or just slept under my feet, I felt jealous to them specially when a man said to woman that he love her and made me as a witness then he scratch my feet and painted that their love is everlasting. What I jealous is 'love' between them is seems pure even I don't know the fact or any separation in the future, I don't need other tree as my love what I need is a love from human to us, trees which only became a witness without able to complain about many thing that happens in front of me. 

I asked to my self, what actually I done to them (human) when their started to cutting down the trees, they burn down and dispel us from where we belong that is standing on the ground. In certain condition it will be okay because we also needed a balancing in our life so what we do is fulfill their needed, to built their houses, to make their tools. I understand with people needs but when they are start overacting and greed to get some I'm getting confused now. What they are thinking of?

One day, a girl was came to me and cried under the dawn. She was crying for hours and the day was heavy raining, The thunder is often make a light above the sky, She seems doesn't afraid with the thunder. Her body was wet because of the rain and she sat back on my body. If I have a mouth and able to speak then I will hug her and asking what is happen to her but I couldn't so I'm only watching her cry and feel what she feel. She talked to her selves that she's a victim of the unfair world, she's left by her bot friend when she already given everything to her boy friend, in her scream I'm also able to heard that she's very loving that boy but then she was betrayed. His boy friend is dumb her away and didn't care about her anymore. 

The thunder almost hit my body but Thank God I'm still protected by luck, The thunder is straight to the ground near by me but it also didn't affect more to me or to the girl which sat under me. But she didn't seems afraid and stand then scream "Thunder come to me I don't wanna live! with what happened to me, come on and get me!". I was shocked to hear that, when every body searching for live this girl is wanna end her live, but I can't do anything about it. I'm not able to hold her arm or even gave her a hug as she needs. 

If I was given a choice to be a witness to thing that happens to human, I don't wanna be a witness to this sadness even I know this was  a stupidity of a woman and their 'love' thing. 

When I'm still thinking with all what I heard and make a discourse about love and what it truly happen now the girl is taken a rope which she brought in her bag, I know that this girl wanna end her life by hang her on the tree which is me. I'm confused that time, I can't move at all or even I can't do anything while watching those stupidity. 
She climbed my body and tied the rope in one of my hand then pull the rope and made a circle to her neck, Then the rain is sudden stopped, no more thunder and and there's no sound at all that dawn. She died, while I'm just watching her die without doing anything. And if there's some one to blame that it should be me, I can't do anything because I'm just a creature which given limitation as a plant. 

The next day, everybody was crowded and make a circle on me watching the girl die hang up on me, then she pulled down and they took her away. 

Last year, I have many friend here, many tree was growing around me until someone is came and do the mining around the area so the human was cutting us all down, and I'm the last tree which standing but that time also I heard that I'm gonna fall also because they're planned to cut me down on the last day November which is the next day. 

Should my life end up like the girl who suicide on my body, but also it impossible. Without I'm killing my self they will kill me anyway. so I'm waited for the next day.

I saw many people are gathering in one field, it seems like they mad a plan and I'm surrendered my self to what will happen, as a tree I could do anything.. what I can do is gave them something that I should do, no matter what happen even I should die for it.

I'm just waited till my time is come. The day that time is almost nightfall but no one is touch me even they made a distance. I wandered what happens, why they didn't cut me down. The next day I heard from some people which passing through They was talking about how scary is the place around me so they didn't have enough courage to cut me down. It was a happy thing for me and also the saddest thing I ever heard because a dead of a girl which I couldn't save her become my savior of my own life. 

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