about me

I'm just an ordinary man outside the ordinary  try to make a harmony inside my self and my suround, even it's a difficult thing to do. well atleast I'm not complaining today.

I'm just a path finder for my self between lying path infront that i don't want to choose! not a critical thing or just a fighter who strugling to be a winner. I'm just trying to be a fighter in a world which I don't know.
even so, I'm a man standing with my own thought other word selfish

I'm just a standing sign but none of you could see me inside the light, but infact you'll find me in dark! because I am really true dark!
I'm not a thinker or and art to be expressed but I'm seeing with my selfishly way, make a thought even sometime is beyond my imagination as a dreamer The greatest dreamer exactly, where everything connected by the dream and thought.
but overall.....................
That's all an experience in whole my entire life, it is the way how I looked into live and all the philosophy which came from my deep mind and stupidity also a fool of me. Often in our life is found something beyond our control and emotion but by this wrote I want to made it as a control which can be learn in the future even those are just an imagination.

This is my eyes who captured all the moment and send it to my brain to be recorded and Thanks to God which has given Technology called Camera so I can make it eternal and publish it on this blog and also about all inside my brain.

This is my ear who heard all the information and knowing most all the character (super hero, man, etc) even I didn't know the name but I have my own assumption of all character which I'd seen in my version.

This is my mouth, talked behind this and spell it more and more to get a point of all my words.

This my hands who walked on the keyboard trying to recorded all inside my brain, etc, etc.

As a human, many mistakes been doing and I want to say a very deep sorry because of my wrote if there's make some one capturing my ideas in a wrong way or make my character like inside him self. it's trully I never mean that. It all just a folks and hopely we can able to learn from the folks and became a human with a real brain.
This is only my ART OF LIFE!

I don't care if everyone will say this is a trash or this Blog is hard to understand, WELL I DON'T CARE! why? why you should ask why? It's room for public, you can write everything about thing that you seen in this life, If don't like it just simple report me as a spam or report an abuse for this, LIFE IS SIMPLE! If you're asking if this is only for private review why I didn't locked! Why? Hey.. C'mon this is I'net where everybody can easily pay somebody else to hack this blog if locked, if I need some privacy I'll bought a diary with a lock, but it didn't why? Because I LOVE TO WRITE, I'm not a writer even in languages are nothing, my English or my Indonesian are SUCKS. I never take a TOEFL or any else I just learn for TV show Sesame street when I was a kid.

Selfish! yes I am, if don't like it then don't open it BUT WHY YOU KEEP OPEN IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!. once again LIFE IS SIMPLE!!!!.

[speak in sundanesse]
"abdimah teteup janten orang sunda anu aya dimana-mana, hartosna orang sunda tapi teu katingal sundana hehehehe.... geus mah hideung, jangkung hirup deuih......

abdi hirup dina lawang panto nu kamari dibangun tina kayakinan abdi, sareng nyobi janten abdi nyalira namun sanes sabangsana.

abdi oge resep ngopi hideung ciga karuhun, kopi pait sareng resep huhujanan (aya sanes maksud ieu mah) aslinaaaa......."

I'M WHAT I AM....... (infact!!!!!!!)


To check my other side of my self visit http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=800375418
To check my other side of my self visit http://budhis.deviantart.com/

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