Thursday, February 16, 2012

a Mirror and an eyes that couldn't see

Mommy...I bought a mirror yesterday, Where is it now?
Yesterday I had a bad dream but I couldn't remembered what I dreamed
I just had a  bad situation where today's luck are because of my dream
One of sequel on that dream was told me to buy a mirror, so I bought it today in a market to release my bad luck.

Till this morning I'm not seen my mirror, where is it Mommy?
even last night I didn't dream some a bad dream I still need those mirror, I wanna reflect my self
I want to see how my look and find out why others always seen my look
Mommy, I wanna be invisible actually.
I don't when everybody is looking at me specially looking the way I looked 
I didn't saw my own face and I need that mirror to see my eyes shape and how my mouth is open to speak and smile.

They said I had an ugly face
they also said it will be better for me to keep silent because when I smile, my face is scary
Mommy... Help me to know my self, you know better about my face
Where is my mirror?


My child, what is actually you dreamed of?
Did you see anything wrong or bad things happen to you
I never moved your mirror since you bought it yesterday

If you are afraid of others judgement, don't listen to them
I know you better, I'm your mother
If someone told you that you are ugly, it mean you're more handsome than them
and when they told you to keep silent it mean when you smile or talk then you're smarter than them

You don't need those mirror
what you should do is being your self without others want to be
I wouldn't tell you that you should put your dream on the sky
I just need you to know your self without seeing,

Seeing is only about a mark where you will make a value a minutes after you saw things
it will be different if you knowing and understanding thing then make an assume about it

My child, there are thing  that we shouldn't understand by seeing
it is more about understanding and knowing with our deepest heart


Mommy... you always told me that I should reflect my self
but how come I'm able to reflect my self if I couldn't find a mirror


My child, what did you see?


I didn't see nothing,  since I was born I couldn't see nothing


Then what is actually you saw on your bad dream?


I didn't see mother, I just felt it!


And what thing that will make you feel happy?


I know my self as you always told me


Do you able to know your self without seeing now?
Just touch your face and feel what is look like 
seeing with your heart, knowing where you stand, knowing where will you go
and the most important is knowing where you are from


I'm sorry mother, in fact I'm just a human being which killed by the trend.
I don't wanna be a part of the trends 
Thank you mother.... 
I love you

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