Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Are we need to fall to get in love? Should us get drown and hit the road while Love it self is a wonderful thing that create happiness which covered the sadness? Are we afraid of Love? or afraid to hit the ground? What the love it self without falling? Should we should fall to get love? Is it need to fall to get love? SO WHAT IS THE FALLING IT SELF?

When two people fall in love with one another, the world becomes a beautiful place no matter what else goes on. This sense of euphoria? happiness? or good feeling that appear from heart that came from undefined feeling from a man who loves woman or the opposite. This is one of the most pleasurable parts of establishing an emotional relationship with someone. It's look like the world is stopped spinning just to understand what you felt that time.
Time is continuing where love will always be love. but don't know what we will face in front, some people forget their life and just feel love. IS IT GOING TO FALL? 
This wonderful prospect becomes tragic when someone who love is start to left us and no more care about us, love become unbalance where there is no double side which loving or beloved, we just loving someone without get the opposite. What will happens next? HEARTACHE? TRAUMA? OR THE WORST THEN PHILOPHOBIA "a fear of love".
Love which can caused fall, love which can cause heartache and love which can cause heart damage! but LOVE ACTUALLY ISN'T WRONG AND EVEN A MISTAKES OF A FEELING!

The thing that make a mistakes is FALL, why should we need to fall and adding word FALL in LOVE??

What causes such a disturbing mental condition? For some people, being in the throes of love means losing control of their emotions, something that terrifies them. In this instance, romantic love makes it impossible for them to maintain their emotional control, because their well-being relies on the responses of their partners.

Philophobia certainly ranks as one of the most unusual phobic conditions. Most people can understand when a person fears snakes or spiders, which pose an actual bodily threat. There's also sympathy for people who fear heights (acrophobia), crowds (agoraphobia) or enclosed spaces (claustrophobia). In each of those cases, people can relate somewhat to the negative emotions and physical sensations that can result. It's easier to understand how a natural caution against bodily harm can develop into a more lasting and unreasonable mental condition.

but However any there's a cure in every phobia where phobia it self is just a fear of something. Love is natural feeling that everyone have it, where you don't need to find inside your self, is it a love feeling or not, it already set up in our heart even some symbol shows that a heart is symbol of love it self. so my opinion that if someone have a disease called philophobia then it a BULL SHIT!! one thing that made us fear is the falling but not the love!

Have you ever seen through a mirror, where it can reflect your self as performance but not inside of you? TAKE SOME TIMES AND SEE WITHIN YOUR SELF? How arrogant are you in front the mirror? How bad looking are you? or how VISIONARY are you? 

Talk to you! Describe what is your will or what is you want? as human whom had perfectly body structure to do anything and what is the heart function, it amaze! 

LOVE is not equal with FALL and also the opposite FALL is not LOVE! it absolute on words and it absolute on the define of each word or feeling, FALL that made hurt and LOVE that made happy. 

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