Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Fire and The Unspoken Dancing Rain

Did you ever love someone? perhaps you already falling in love, so can you describe what is love? I mean true love. My friend said that LOVE IS NOTHING!, is it true? my right side friend is also said INSTEAD LOVE IS NOTHING. And then my left side friend said WITHIN THE LOVE IS NOTHING. Which one is true? don't ask me dude, I'm here not to describe what is truly mean of love. it just a perception between millions perception which came out from human mouth. 

I loved the rain, and I'm falling into it. The rain is a symbol it could be a person, a girl or might be a philosophy of the rain it self. Rain was a gift from God for us then continuing this life, one of quotes "WHEN THERE'S NO RAIN, THEN NOTHING WILL BE GROW", That's the fact about the rain which helping us by the raindrop can grow the plant, gave us enough water etc. so if the rain was a girl, who will be I love with? Is it also giving me live? or might be giving me fertilizer to make me more grow up like a three!. Well I will say it just a feeling, but what kind of feeling?

Some people said that LOVE IS NOT ABOUT BELONGING, is it true? actually I'm not agree with that but not for complain, once again those are just one perception between of human thought. so if love is not about belonging why some people want some one they love as a mate? and whether we would be willing if someone we love is belongs to others? I bet no one will be able to do that, in fact we will do anything to maintain our love. then re-arrange the word LOVE IS ABOUT BELONGING, hmmm.... yes that's true in my perception, Love is about belonging where we belonging each other and by belonging each other they will have some good understanding and live together ever after, a wedding is one goal to make it happens but it also wedding can be separate by a divorce. Not the essence of the divorce but it's about a wedding as a dream to belonging some one we loved. 

If we're not belonging maybe love isn't a perfect word an example if we're loving a band who sing very nice and beautiful. Are we must married those band? no isn't?! so let's change the word love on it. LOVE is more about LINKAGE OF HEARTS between one man and one girl, The man loves the girl and the girl was the same. so how about SINCERITY? yes it has a huge value inside of love even LOVE IS SINCERITY, we're sincere to loving someone without take any boondoggle or any advantage for us. but not sincere to let someone go, why if we have sincerity of loving someone but that someone is can't be our love, rejection or might be she already engaged by own will or her parent will, what we should do? keep loving her or just let it go and stopping to said that you love her? DILEMMA right? between you loved her and want to make her as yours but it couldn't happen because of the certain condition and you also want make her happy meanwhile you're suffering because you will never be able to get her. CRAB!! That's not good isn't?

Did you ever felt a chemistry when you meet a girl and then believe if the girl is your mate? and then you're approaching her to got her attention and continued by many dream that some day you will be married her and make your love immortal. YES if the condition was supporting you, like she also had a dream the same like yours but if didn't? HEARTACHE? EMPTY HOPE? or else?. If I could assume This is one of God plan for us, no matter how hard you try even sometimes you're die while trying but if God plan was said different then be prepare to be heartache. LOL... but the opposite sometimes even this is very often happen we met a girl yesterday and then married today. MYSTERIOUS right? but do not continue the sentence after married you'll be divorce!. just stop at the good thing for you.

So what is the connection with the rain, fire or the dancing rain? 

Someone is came to me and why you loving the rain that much? The rain is calming but it also caused a storm! 
well it's not the rain who caused the storm? The wind? no. The atmosphere? also no, so who's fault? God? absolutely NOT, earth? no. There's no fault or any mistakes this is about balancing of our life where a good thing can be called good because there's a bad thing. It's about balance, like a love there's a hate but what is the difference between love and hate? The same time we always remembered what we love or hate even sometimes we're talking about it every times. so what's the point? The point is about silences and the unspoken thing which we're never be to understand it if we're not in the condition like LOVE and HATE. 

If you love someone, be sure that is really LOVE? it not just you said love at the last minutes and then you find a better person the next minutes, LOVES DOESN'T CHANGE! even in certain condition yes IT CAN BE CHANGE! but not always.. DON'T ASK YOUR HEART TO KNOW YOU'RE IN LOVE just ASK TO YOUR SELF, are you has a perfect love? or just unspoken dancing rain hoping the rain will come and after that you're complaining that the rain won't stopped etc. it can be a fire for you! and you'll burn in it. 
and once again...


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