Thursday, September 29, 2011


Sejalan dengan panjang cerita yang menghanguskan padang karang seperti hujan yang mengikis batuan di ranah mimpi yang sebenarnya tak pernah ada di hadirnya mata. Apakah itu hati yang melihat atau hanya mata yang sebetulnya dititipkan sehingga objektifitas hanya sebuah cerita pendek seperti maaf yang terucap namun kelam dalam hati. Bukan dendam kawan atau sang pembawa berita, mereka hanya berkesempatan menghina tanpa tahu hati.

Kaki yang kau gunakan melangkah hanya sebatas saat kau mengangkatkan kaki lalu kemudian jatuh tersungkur karena kau tak pernah bicara, sedangkan dunia ini tak sedikitpun mengharapkan cerita melainkan tangan kau yang bekerja dan kaki yang kau langkahkan semasa umur yang melekat diharapan. Lalu jangan dulu bicara cinta, mereka hanya kosong yang terdengar seperti angin. Dia selalu ada namun tak pernah terlihat, sementara kau tetap mengharapkannya.

Apakah itu hanya mimpi?

Tidak semu kawan, mereka semua enggan bermimpi untuk mencibirmu karena mereka semua telah mati tersesat di jaman para pencinta dan terjebak di bawah ketiak masa lalu. Dan aku mati rasa terkadang kawan tanpa harus menceritakan siapa aku atau hidup yang tak terbesit sedikitpun bertanya.

Jika waktu mengharuskan aku bangun malam ini biarkan itu menjadi tanpa rasa setelah hujan berkepanjangan dan melukis terang dalam sanubari hati. Lalu akan berteriak kah aku? bahwa aku seorang manusia yang terletak diantara dua dunia dan bertempur dengan perasaan manusia yang cuma ingin berteriak hampa sementara dia tak pernah sedikitpun merasakan sakit lalu kemudian mati?.

Lalu cerita seperti apa yang harus aku gambarkan sebagai mata dan rasa yang tak sempat terlukis saat kanvas yang tercoret oleh ku sendiri semasa aku menjadi pelukis tanpa rasa.

Entahlah... aku tak ingin tahu.


I was fall down from the place I climbed and starting another climb when the waves is start to stop and the time is also stopped. I'm not struggling to move back the time but I'm not regret it. 

I'll never regret bout the time but what I regret is Time that I have wasted all this ages. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Morning

Where The sun is rise
not hesitate to shed the orange color
Silent black morning
Died while dreaming
such as foot shall thread run
Beautiful shadow lines yesterday
transition time
 and the transformation of the caterpillar and the butterfly
If a bright today
would not be ashamed to fight the cloud
gray paint that is already to be etched in the heavens
is to advance the day
no rain and not too hot
and it's faded colors
essentially black and white

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Silent Waves

Silent waves
In the bottom of my belief where I should put my self as a base of my strength, There a war between the spoken words and silent which always won the war. I won't die today because of my fragile strength but I will kept my strength to know who I am and what I am now, tomorrow or maybe in the future that I will meet.

It all the sound of heart where it can't lied for then painting a blue screen to covered all the silent and replace the soul which I'm keeping now.

Honey I'm not Sailing today

Sunset at Ujung Genteng
If the ocean was a friend of me then tomorrow I'll married her as my life, I'm sorry honey but tonight I'm not going to sailing because I found other life as love and as life.

Honey, I'm sorry tonight I was where I'm belong where a heart was filled of real love and real life. A woman who waiting for me while I'm loving you so now for tonight I'm gonna change as human.

On other Stage

Lala on KompasTV

Lala on KompasTV

Lala on KompasTV

Friday, September 23, 2011

kopi dan hujan

Sebagian cerita yang tenggelam dalam kopiku sudah tertelan
dibalik suara malam yang diam kenapa dia menatapku
atau hanya jatuh saja mengenai pelupuk mataku
entahlah itu sebuah bintang atau cahaya lampu
yang ku tahu itu kau diantara diam seperti menunggu hujan

Apakah otakku sudah tak lagi mencerna logika saat sepi yang sebenar-benarnya
atau hanya aku saja yang ada diberanda menunggu ombak datang ketepian

Jika secangkir kopiku hari ini kemudian dingin
sementara aku pecinta kopi yang menyeduh dengan air hujan yang dingin
aku tidak akan peduli karena aku sudah tenggelam
entahlah kau dengar

Permainan yang tidak pernah ada
atau seekor keledai bodoh yang mati karena dunia sudah menjadi nyata
kukepal tanganku diudara
ku genggam hatiku diantara sampah yang menghinaku
dan aku seyakin itu!

Apa aku bodoh? tidak!
apakah aku seekor keledai? juga tidak!

apakah aku?

Aku seorang badut yang tidak bisa tertawa dan tidak akan tertawa
walaupun sudah tertampar nyeri dalam hidupku
Seorang penikmat kopi tanpa rasa manis yang berharap hari ini tetap hujan
Aku seyakin itu!

Apakah aku manusia? tentu!

Lalu sekian masa yang sudah terlewat pada waktuku adalah ujian buatku
aku akan sadari itu tanpa sesal
walau umurku hanya terbakar di pemanggang tepi jalan
lihatlah aku!
aku berjalan dengan telanjang kaki
dan aku akan sanggup berjalan menopang kau sebagai berat tubuhku
bukan beban tapi bagian dari struktur tubuhku!

bahkan terpatri dalam susunan tulangku
aku yakin!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


"What really you have painted inside my brain so I was becoming something that fully black and white colored mind of a thing?"

If you heard about jazz, what do you think of?

I can't find in any meaning of jazz it self instead jazz at the first time that is in the middle of 1860 it wrote on Historical Dictionary of American Slangas not common language with former form is jasm/jism which also mean semen or sperm but it also can be described as spirit or energy.

Jazz has long story from the it beginning from the age of 1800 and it ain't over and still loved until now. Why it become an interest discussion about this jazz, a musician or a singer might be not needed to understand this they are just sing and call it as their life but for some people who only know how to listen and enjoying music this ask is worth to asking more and more. Actually a definition is not necessary but how we could possible to understand the music in a simple way without think as we the difficulty of the meaning of life, it has so many question without any answers and it SUCKS!! How come a question without an answer!, but then it also become not important if we're comparing with other thing that we met in our life WITHOUT ASKING IT. The same as jazz where the music is to be enjoyed, the meaning and what message inside.

If you think complexity of music then you will heard jazz is one of them, but then what actually jazz is? but not as etymology as the jazz word, but what is the complexity and the difficulty of it?

If we're loving music universally then try to hear any kind of music one by one, started from traditional music then modern music like rock, pop, rhythm and blues etc then for the final listen to jazz, what makes different? I would say there are no difference between of all kind but what makes different is about someone TASTE and how they are looking in life, and as we know there are a billion people who lives in this earth with their own brain and free to decide what music they are like! AMAZE!!

So indeed music it self is universal as other language to communicate, a media to enjoy life and influence to our soul and the way we live so how bout jazz? I would say it the same, jazz is one of kind music which is perform as difference but as globally they are the same.

Now try to listen One of jazz music!

Take a deep breath and sit in a couch where your environment is only the nature, the wind blows, warmth from your fireplace and put jazz as your music, just listen into it and don't mind with the difficulty of the arrangement or harmony or any syncopation, Do not care with whose the singer or what jazz they play, is it a song about love, broken heart or any of it do not care about them JUST LISTEN INTO IT!! what do you feel? CALMNESS??? 


So can you describe jazz now? do not define it, all you have to do is flowing with it, sit back and enjoy!! then I would say "JAZZ THE WAY WE LOOKED AT LIFE - COMPLICATED IF WE THINKING OF IT BUT IT IS GOOD IF WE'RE ENJOYING INSIDE THE HARMONY".

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You and Tomorrow (re-post)

everything will be fine
all the time is overall when you say alive
move like a rolling stone
stopped by the dancing rain

yes tonight you say dreaming
but also die because of the thunder
I'll say tomorrow I'll wait
catching the tiger in dark

I'll see that you're gonna be fine
not everything for today
because I have seen tomorrow
and find out someday will be today

What a Super thing

Time and time where people realize that he was being dropped into a cage which created by him self and also trapped in the 'animal thing' that is often heard in every single day of our life.
When human then realizes that he is a creatures with has full consciousness and smart to cage him self or to release him self, intelligent, conscientious?When? or might be man it self had forgotten those two things in life.

Then question by question which appear is also become something that can be forgotten, for the first present day and now live for the future, it's all gone and become something to remember just only one stepped then forget it all.

So where actually we should put our existence?

Animal that exist inside of the human or word that he said in everyday, When we shout or try to made a distraction. People across down the street and almost hit by our car, then might be word "monkey" or other animal will came out from our mouth without we're realizing that we are cursing people.

Did you ever heard about a story where a parent killed their own son and the opposite, or a man rapes a girl then others and others which didn't shown our truly us as a human instead showing an animal behavior which staying under human names. shame!!

Where's the people?

Human as human self was aware of who he really are in every condition and what will going to happen with them but about consciousness, everybody has different answer. An actor who forgot him self will didn't care because he can act as others, is that true? or he just loosing his balance where actually he can put himself as seen on the movie and applied in their life? or even the opposite?! So what wold be the best answer of this? Are they a good pretender so they will win Oscar because he can be pretend as other?.

The perfection of God in creating us in some motion and motor function that held in on our body. What do you say about it? a man loves a woman, women hates men. superior and inferior. Man, women, boys, girls and all kind of thing that happens inside the love or life it self. So what is human on their essence???

Human can only find him self if there are any ignorance or urgency of the situation. man who created boundaries, rule of limitation as individual life and social life. Human are able to create a contemplative space created himself and then beg forgiveness of God.


Dance Scene (2)

she move

Sementara, Kenapa?

Tak ingin sedikit mengucap sendu karena hanya dalam sendu aku sedikit berkaca kemudian menampar diriku, bila kau tanya kenapa maka aku akan menjawab aku telah menentukan pilihanku!. Tak ingin mengucap biru pun karena saat pelangi tak berwarna biru maka warna lain akan pudar dalam buram cahaya langit. 

Bila hanya satu cerita saja tentang hujan yang aku pernah ceritakan pada bumi, maka terang cahaya matahari hanya bias menggantikan langit yang akan bersih kemudian lalu sekejap saja langit akan menjadi gelap karenanya dan datanglah sang malam.

Aku tak ingin berbeda karena manusia, sementara aku adalah aku yang berdiri di atas aku sendiri atas dasar aku sendiri yang berjuang atas nama aku sendiri namun bernaung di bawah sesuatu yang menguasai diriku. apakah itu satu kesadaran yang terencana? atau sudah tergariskan dalam suatu bentangan garis yang putus-putus sementara kita menjalinnya dengan terbata-bata. 

Aku sudah berada di jamanku kawan!

Saat aku mulai menentukan hidupku aku dalam keadaan sadar, begitupun saat aku memilih dirimu sebagai jawaban terakhirku entah itu dalam hujan yang tak pernah bercerita ataupun matahari yang hanya datang memberikanku harapan di hari rabu untuk kemudian hari kamis dilupakan. aku akan tetap berteriak bahwa aku tidak akan pernah peduli karena pada masaku, aku ada di dalam otak ku sendiri, berada dalam lingkungan yang aku ciptakan dengan struktur anatomiku sendiri lengkap dengan dua kaki, dua tangan serta hati yang kugunakan dalam kasus tertentu.

Siapakah kau?

Kau bukan sebuah arca panembahan ataupun sesuatu yang dapat terbang menuju langit untuk berada di atas dan menharapkan orang akan mengadah keatas demi melihat dirimu, engkau juga tak pernah berharap orang akan tunduk dibawahmu dan yang menjadikan kau tetap dalam sebuah lingkaran kekagumanku itu adalah kamu dengan kebodohan sesekali yang menjadikanmu kau menjadi dirimu sendiri.

Bila saja aku adalah seorang petani yang menanam jerami, jerami itu kemudian akan mengering sampai waktu masa panenku bertahun-tahun ke depan tanpa harus kupupuk tanah ini. lalu akan terjawabkah siapa kau? 

Kecepatan dan percepatan yang menghindar dari masa sebelum aku adalah hanya sebuah torehan masa lalu yang sama sekali tidak ada artinya dicerminku, dia tampak buram dalam cerminan masa tanpa ada satupun yang jelas terlihat. BODOH!

Siapakah aku?

Aku? adalah seorang manusia yang jika berpikir dalam menulis tanpa berpikir dan jika berpikir dia menulis sehingga dia merasa sebagai manusia, itulah aku. KENAPA? karena aku adalah seorang manusia yang belajar menggunakan hati untuk mencuci pakaian dalamku!

Siapakah kalian?

Bila banyak kepala yang yang tersebar di atmosfir cerita yang terdengar semerdu nyanyian rembulan maka berjuta kepala akan terangguk menatap hina entah kepadaku atau kau, tapi kemudian apakah mereka jadi satu bagian anatomi tubuhku dimana aku tak bisa hidup tanpanya. BOHONG!!

Kalian hanya bisa menilai sesuatu tanpa kalian pikirkan, yang menjauhkan aku dari lingkunganku sebagai salah satu penghuni rumah sakit jiwa ini sebagai penjara dai jiwa ku yang telah sakit karena  kebohongan dan pembodohan publik oleh kalian, sementara kau pun hanya bisa menatap dan melupakan aku, dan aku? aku hanya mengharapkan mu.... hujan! 

Bilakah kau ada? atau kapankah kau akan melukis waktu? atau kehendak aku dan aku sementara hujan tak kunjung datang, aku memainkan musik di jamanku sendiri lalu siapakah aku dan kau? laksana awan yang menurunkan hujan ditengah hari saat mentari tersenyum malu dan bersembunyi dibalik sang Ibu.


Monday, September 19, 2011

You made me crazy (re-post)

From the way you looked at me, I'm getting crazy
From years and years I kept in a soundproof room
A few days ago I borrowed a heater but it also didn't melt

From the way you looked at me, I'm getting crazy
My rain is been bleeding for so long but an empty barrel I found
Not only to find the light but I'm loving the dark

From the way you looked at me, I'm getting crazy
It just a dry well when I guess that was a mirage savanna
I chewed the betel but not meet any glucose on my tongue

From the way you looked at me, I'm getting crazy
Since I could never sink again
Apparently it is true!
You are psychiatrist who made me stay in a mentally hospital

Self portrait

Gita Gutawa

Dance Scene (1)

The dance

Story about The Rain

"If there's possible no rain today the I will run from the place I'd stand and bring the cloud to make it as my friend."

In present I'd stand on my one feet and the other feet was on other feet, the reason I did that is because I always aware of anything, so my thought is if something happen it can easily for me to stand up and run. It just my thought actually but it also become something that have own mark on my self for seeing thing inside my vision.

Simple thing actually but then it made me realize the way I seen something is become my own opinion as selfishly without denial. so I started to write about the rain since I was 15 years old, where the rain in my life is always a beautiful memory which printed and marked inside my head. It is ain't an optional but it became an important thing as my motivator and also my spirit to move in the future.

The first rain in my memory is an atmosphere where when I was a little and tried to get something but I didn't get it because my mother didn't approved instead I was beaten by mom because of my will was not make sense said my mom, that time what I asked is a swimming glasses, That time my age is 9 years old and that was the first rain that I couldn't forget in my life.

I didn't have enough memory of my childhood because a long my journey one story to another story I'd try to skipped it because it is not too good, and for now I have a brother and sister which I'm not too close to them because of that. Actually I don't wanna be sad because of that and all the memory, in fact I was proud to be me and always made a mark on me that is always amazing to be me. 

PTPN Malabar - Pangalengan

The Second rain in my memory was when I was 18 years old. Actually there's nothing special on this but I didn't know for sure why I kept this memory inside my head. I was sitting on a couch alone without everybody surround me, that time I was live alone and the rain drop heavily. I was staring at the window while I took my coffee and I didn't know why I was so sleepy that time, and after that I slept, I'm still remembered that in my sleep I was awake on the coach then continued my coffee till the last gulp. After I finished my coffee inside my dream I saw a girl, a beautiful girl wearing red dress inside the rain came into my house, She opened the door and asked me to follow her. 

I didn't know for sure who she is and why she took me to walk under the rain, it's so real and I can't make a different between real or it just a dream. When she took me for walked she's whispering to me that she was an angel that will show me what is my future is and what my past that I skipped, but then I know it was only a dream and I want to ended it fast, I was afraid that I couldn't awake anymore, so it's true I was awake from my dream on the couch where all my body was wet because of the rain, but when I saw my coffee, my coffee was still full and I couldn't answered what and why it's happen to me.

The third rain that I remembered is on my 22 age, that is also about  girl who has came to my life and I decided to made her as the last love I found, Surely I met her inside the rain. skipped for 3 years and ended also inside the rain, It was a big thing inside of me because I'd almost married and it must be failed because of something that for me is not make sense at all. But surely I'm also must skipped this thing out what and why which finally left the rain inside my head.

If I have a question inside my head, then I will asked why it should happen inside the rain, is it the rain has become a sorrow for my self or instead the rain giving me a mark that a rain is a gift which also not instantly we can get. I'm not taking this so difficult so I gave my boundaries on my think that I'm loving the rain so much!.

"Why rain?"

Rain, rainy days and waiting for the rain. Surely I'm still waiting for the rain to fall, down on me and pouring life (Good enough lyrics by Evanescene)  

(Story about a child who loves the rain)

Self portrait

Tantri - Kotak

Sunday, September 18, 2011

On eyes that saw inside

What you would seen on you? and what would you seen through your eyes? are you gonna seeing your environment as your thing and manage it become something that you will able to make a rule on it?

I have print out what my thought on a blue print called my life master plan where no one knows what or where I should put my self, my friend asked to me "are we gonna pretending to be normal to live as human and live in a middle of the society to get our existence?".

Why we should put as our self? 

The ultimate answer it would be "as human we're standing alone on our body structure where our backbone is held our body, our self brain as the processor where we set the will and needs while powered by our heart as the motivator and energy to pumping the blood to all over our body".  It perfectly created by The Mighty One, Allah SWT. 

but then, are we already knowing ourself as ourself that knew our ability, power, mind and every process of our life within our world?

As human being and it more than hundred thousand people which think different in one topic, are we gonna get those thousand answer also? 

So in our life, there's thousands question and answers. but the final is we decided thing by our self with our own risk and consequences, no matter where we put our self. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hujan dan tanya

Seperti halnya malam dia tak bercerita untuk semua orang tahu bahwa malam hanyalah sebagian malam yang menggantikan siang sebagai bahasa yang berujar kata-kata diam dan kegelapan yang tidak secara sadar membawa kesedihan, diam dalam bahasa atau berbicara tanpa rasa.

Angin kemarau yang sejak berhembus membawa amarah tak bersahabat dengan hujan, saat dongeng sebelum tidur berwacana telinga diam melangsungkan pernikahan dengan senja seperti terbitnya matahari untuk tenggelam kembali.

Untuk punya nama, aku tak punya cerita pada anak cucuku yang sebelum lahir dia tak mau berima dalam tangisnya. lalu kemudian apakah kau akan mengeluhkan kembali tentang cinta yang tak pernah kau temukan.

Biar hujan hari ini menjadi mata untuk badanku yang melihat tanpa mengeluh dan tanpa hati. Pendalaman bahasa tentang hujan ini cukup membingungkan aku seperti setiap malam dalam doaku, dia menjawab kau hujanku tapi aku tidak tenggelam dalam kebingunganku.

Apa pernah hari ataupun waktu berjalan sesuai dengan ingin kau, mencari bahasa yang tak pernah kau mau atau hanya mencuri sedikit saja dari keselarasan waktu terhadap hati mu yang tak pernah ku tahu?.

Kau datang  seperti hati yang tak pernah bersedih, bahkan seperti kau membawakan hujan untukku dalam hidupku. lalu aku?


Friday, September 16, 2011

Suara parau

Situ Cileunca, Pangalengan - Bandung Selatan
Dalam memandang cakrawala aku meretas malam seperti hanyutnya siang tertimpa senja yang bersuara garang, entah apakah suara rindu yang membahana seperti seorang Dursasana* yang melempar Kiai barla** saat harus mati dalam perang bratayuda oleh Bima/Werkudara*** dengan keadaan mati yang sangat menyedihkan. 

Ternyata cahaya sendu saja tak pernah mengikat luka hati seperti tertoreh mata hati yang senjakala kau sebut surya yang tenggelam berganti rembulan terang. 

Biar hari ini tanpa harus ada embun yang sejuk memandikan kala mengganti harapan mencinta dengan kebencian yang telah terjadi dibatas cakrawala harapan.

Adakah kau disana mencari cerita melalui malam seperti telah mati mengharamkan darah yang kutorehkan untuk mendapatkan hati yang telah beku di dasar atlantik dan terkubur kepingan es antartika. 

Aku hanya Diam Kawan, saat Gada Rujakpala sang Bima menghantam kepala Dursasana.

Lalu kemanakah arah cerita nya? atau hanya sebuah teriakan sakit dari mata atau hati?

*) Tokoh pewayangan yang merupakan raja negara Astina
**) Keris pusaka milik Dursasana
***) Salah satu tokoh Pandawa Lima

Thursday, September 15, 2011

In Action

Kotak In action
Kotak In Action
Kotak In Action

Finding another you

Yesterday I had a discussion with my old friend about something that is often forgotten but it always made us weak and strength at the same time, as human instinct that indeed we're need something called love, so we're discussed and focused on word "love" seen from our glasses and our self perception, but in fact love is also universal which mean is it not only boundaries on someone love someone but then it spread to someone love to something or even it more wider if we add something inside  "beloved, loving, loved and the love it self".

What made us survive of all this time? is it really love which saving us? but saving from what and why it need to save? is it being life that difficult? or it only our feeling as human which never enough on something so we always trying to fulfill our needs or our will? and so many question that will be appear, one question connected to the other question and it certainly will never end till the world is stopped!.

We're loving our life, that's for sure, why we're loving our life? because by loving our life we'll know our essence or present of our in the middle of life called world or earth and living in the middle of society called a group of human presence. Some people choose to become superior to beat inferiority, some people choose to keep silent and enjoying their life without care to others and other thing that they are choosing a path as their principal of life. so seeing their choice to do their life is it because of love, surely I would answer it yes as perfectly. why? if they didn't love their love I'm sure they wouldn't choose anything and choose to die. 
Then a question appear is why some people choose to kill them self or some people is suffering because of what their love, someone or something that they are in love with but then it become hurt each other because of many factors (materials, feelings etc). Is it because we're hate life as the opposite of we're loving life? I would answer it stupidity!

If we're talking about that maybe it also never end or we can say it too wide to be discuss, so both of us in a limited discussion we gave a boundaries to discuss about "finding another you" in context we're loving someone and we loosing someone. 

In our discussion before we're talking about loving someone, first we must know what love that we gave, and as a base we also have same question "what is love actually?" Both of us agree that love between human is love that appear from two person heart, a man love a woman they are getting married, have children and getting old, perfect! so how about if a man love a woman but before the married they were broke up? Is it fate or surely they are not a mate? I'm sure question is the simple answer of all the reason why a couple could be broke up. We're will not talking about how a couple can be break but how they are after the break. 

Break a relationship or divorce is not good and even it can be bad, physically and mentally and even sometimes it can made someone became traumatic person of getting another relationship. The bad thing of break up in a relationship is if we're still in love to the person that person who has cut down your relation, why they are break up then? also there's too many factors would answer it. but The most question of all of this is "How can we forget a man or a woman that we loved?" Is it true by searching another love can buried the older memory or is it true when we searching something new we're looking and finding the same character and the same type of man or woman that has present in our life to replace the another one? 

My friend said "Finding another you is a truly bull shit!, there's no man or woman who are the same even he or she is twin!! That's the fact", Well I should agree with those statement. why? I shouldn't explain about this one of course, I'm sure everyone knows this thing, but the question is why some people still do this to replace someone who ever present in their life? Is it stupidity? or he/she just don't know? Interesting right?

So what discussion actually about this "finding another you" anyway?

We will not stand in the same river at different time, why because the time is running and the important thing is the water is flowing, even we're standing in the same place, the water will be different! FACT!!!

Need more discussion? Or I called it STUPIDITY? LOL!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Simfony Semesta Raya (Symphony of The Universe)

Tittle : Simfoni Raya - Kampung Main - Prosesi Simfoni Semesta Raya
Choreographer : Hartati
Dancer : Musikal Laskar Pelangi, Hartati Dancer

Simfony Raya

Simfony Raya is a dance concept that is performed at Grand Launching of Kompas Gramedia TV on September, 10th 2011 at Jakarta Convention Center.
This symphony is a symbol of cultural unity of Indonesia where there is a combination of several traditional dance combined with modern music which arranged by Erwin Gutawa orchestra. There are three stages of this dance which is Simfoni raya then Kampung main in continous session and Prosesi Simfoni Semesta Raya which jumped into main course of this show.

The dancers which involved were teenagers who are the member of Musikal laskar Pelangi and 12 person of Hartati dance on Prosesi Simfoni Semesta Raya.

Simfoni Raya begins with a beautiful dance by a woman in front of a house then continue by a song which sang by one of famous indonesian artist Gita Gutawa and One of Musikal Laskar Pelangi member Kanya. All dancers is displaying theatrically a real condition of the diversity Indonesian society, there are farmer, fisherman, greengrocer which shown hospitality communities are intertwined in an atmosphere that creates warmth and beautiful togetherness.

After the theatrical and the song is about to end the dancers all gather in one formation sang Indonesia, this symbols is remains of one thought of different in one unity.

Kampung Main
After the song was ends, followed by several small kids playing in a games scene, performed a traditional games and dance with theme dancing under the full moon, the back sound played is "Yok poro Konco" one of Javaness children song that tells to play under the full moon with a very cheerful, This scene carried and titled as many villagers kids who play and represent a cheerful condition without burden, a happy smile, joy and excitement that appeared from the children faces during they are play and have fun on the stage.

Simfony Semesta Raya
The main event of this Simfoni raya is Prosesi Simfoni Semesta raya (Symphony of the universe) which performed by 12 of Hartati dancers.

This dance is begun with one dance and continued by other dancer in one rhyme and rhythm as harmonious movement, The presented dance is a combination dance from several Indonesian regions which also as a symbol of cultural diversity and cultural richness of Indonesia, but it can be unity in one stage as a symphony on one stage named Simfony semesta raya (Symphony of the universe). The dance duration is about 4 minutes but there are full of meaning, about cultural differences, language but it still can be united in a beautiful symphony.

Sounds orchestra music performed by Erwin Gutawa orchestra, accompanies every tempo and dance moves then combined in a perfect collaboration between art music and movement which presented in a modern way.

The Expression

The Expression
The Expression
The Expression

The Performer

Lala Karmela
Andien - Pasha (Ungu)
Giring - Nidji
Charlie - ST12

The Portrait

The Portrait
The Portrait
The Portrait

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra on stage (4)

Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage
Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage

Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra on stage (3)

Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage
Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage
Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage
Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage
Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage

Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra on stage (2)

Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage
Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage
Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage
Monita Tahalea, Andien & Citra  on stage