It's all become real when it's dumped from the night sorrow and disappear inside all the sound of everything that heard, the sound of many discourse and thought which I didn't know how far I have been stepped and took me into tragedy and conditions which I'm still never know what is that or what for.
The cloud was climbed up and covered all the surface which I almost lost in it and didn't recognize the silence because of too many thing was passing through in front of my eyes, beside and on the back. The cold was take me down and many autumn leaves which made me considered of many thing that happens and bow into my knees in a street corner of this town.
Did you know one thing about......rain???
The rain which has become my media to paint all inside of my self. It can't be change where further I'm becoming something that I realized it was me on my own exploration. A definition of things that I can't let go of it likened a dam which also my stupidity on my own mind that I can beat all this world by my own, a principal which it can't be applied in my own lives.
My view point then stopped on a shelter and froze my entire body, an awareness that also meaningful but then throwing my selves into one life consequences that I should live with. I'm getting tired on my age, I just want to rebuilt all what I have built before, my egoism as human being and try to fight my other side of me.
I just wanna show to this world that this isn't a semicolon which continued into a great hopes on the realistic world and definitely not a dream!
Let the wind blew me further and drown me into my latest form and keep stepping and following the flow even many times I try not to drown.

I found my self as a dead man which seen as other side as a man who won the game and loose the wars. My view finder found a little change and it haunt me down till the next level of my own war where I'm become an actor and played a roman story where at the end I was die and stopped my act. I felt this lonely crowd are the Power of God to show me that "This life is once".
At the limited time and kept me a boundaries of my vision, My eyes is stopped on an empty flat media within my solitude, that is a time between existence and absence in a place called solitude valley. This mind won't stop this now, a hope and silence which followed by sorrow in every slice of past which I couldn't remembered and un- reasonable lies that shown me reality side as my heaviest challenges.
I was thrown in my own roman story...
I'm become my self and try to step and lift my right foot without turning my head and get what I should get. I have been awake from my sleep which gone for days in a real life. Wild life so I need to learn with it more and more.
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