Pada kenyataannya kita tidak pernah tahu hati seseorang, terkadang saja kita dibutakan karena memang kita tidak bisa melihat atau bahkan merasakan. Lalu apakah kita sendiri tahu apa yang kita rasakan? Buram juga........
Apakah itu hati? pikiran atau bahkan nurani yang mengendap sebagai pembentukan jiwa kita? lalu pernahkah kita bertemu dengan seseorang yang sudah mencintai kita dan kita mengetahui dengan kepekaan kita yang akhirnya hanya sebuah omong kosong belaka yang menyisakan kebencian? lagi2 buram dan tak terlihat......
Bila kita bicara tentang cinta, apa kemudian perlu ditanyakan apakah itu cinta? tidak juga! lalu untuk apa berpikir? masa depankah yang mengalahkan perasaan kita atau justru menjadi sebuah semangat buat masa depan? buram juga..............
"kata" ; tergali disebuah kedalaman ; sebuah nurani yang terpendam laksana jiwa ; bukan suara dan bukan nyawa ; hanya kata... ; tergores mesra ataupun membunuh senja ; kata dan kata untuk makna ; puisi kata.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Perempuan dan hujan
Aku tak akan mengiba pada matahari walaupun hujan
Aku tetap mencintai perempuan dan hujanku
Bila saja mendung datang lagi biar sejenak lalu hilang penat
Terpaku pada malam aku mati dan tenggelam
Biar langit gelap jangan kasihani aku
Lalu datanglah segera kamis biar kutunggu sampai Jum'at
Aku akan kembali bersujud dan diam
Hilang memang hilang walau berbayang di belakang Matahari
Jauhkan aku dari penantianku biar tunduk
dan sadarku akulah manusia
Semoga aku masih ingat hari Senin nanti
Aku tetap mencintai perempuan dan hujanku
Bila saja mendung datang lagi biar sejenak lalu hilang penat
Terpaku pada malam aku mati dan tenggelam
Biar langit gelap jangan kasihani aku
Lalu datanglah segera kamis biar kutunggu sampai Jum'at
Aku akan kembali bersujud dan diam
Hilang memang hilang walau berbayang di belakang Matahari
Jauhkan aku dari penantianku biar tunduk
dan sadarku akulah manusia
Semoga aku masih ingat hari Senin nanti
Thursday, April 26, 2012
On Beauty - Kahlil Gibran
On Beauty
Kahlil Gibran
Where shall you seek beauty, and how shall you find her
unless she herself be your way and your guide?
And how shall you speak of her except she be the weaver of your speech?The aggrieved and the injured say, “Beauty is kind and gentle.
Like a young mother half-shy of her own glory she walks among us.”
And the passionate say, “Nay, beauty is a thing of might and dread.
Like the tempest she shakes the earth beneath us and the sky above us.”The tired and the weary say, “Beauty is of soft whisperings. She speaks in our spirit.
Her voice yields to our silences like a faint light that quivers in fear of the shadow.”
But the restless say, “We have heard her shouting among the mountains,
And with her cries came the sound of hoofs, and the beating of wings and the roaring of lions.”At night the watchmen of the city say, “Beauty shall rise with the dawn from the east.”
And at noontide the toilers and the wayfarers say,
“We have seen her leaning over the earth from the windows of the sunset.”In winter say the snow-bound, “She shall come with the spring leaping upon the hills.”
And in the summer heat the reapers say,
“We have seen her dancing with the autumn leaves,
and we saw a drift of snow in her hair.”
All these things have you said of beauty,
Yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied,
And beauty is not a need but an ecstasy.
It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth,
But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear,
But rather an image you see though you close your eyes
and a song you hear though you shut your ears.
It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw,
But rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.People of Orphalese, beauty is life when life unveils her holy face.
But you are life and you are the veil.
Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
But you are eternity and you are the mirror
Her voice yields to our silences like a faint light that quivers in fear of the shadow.”
But the restless say, “We have heard her shouting among the mountains,
And with her cries came the sound of hoofs, and the beating of wings and the roaring of lions.”
And at noontide the toilers and the wayfarers say,
“We have seen her leaning over the earth from the windows of the sunset.”
And in the summer heat the reapers say,
“We have seen her dancing with the autumn leaves,
and we saw a drift of snow in her hair.”
All these things have you said of beauty,
Yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied,
And beauty is not a need but an ecstasy.
It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth,
But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.
But rather an image you see though you close your eyes
and a song you hear though you shut your ears.
It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw,
But rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.
But you are life and you are the veil.
Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
But you are eternity and you are the mirror
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Parameter Bahagia
"Apa kamu akan menjamin kehidupan mereka ketika mereka mengenal dunia?"
Pertanyaan semacam ini mungkin akan terjawab secara intelektual bila melihat dan memandang bahwa sangat penting sebuah mata dalam memandang, mengkaji ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sampai pada berita apa saja yang sedang terjadi. Namun kenyataannya secara budaya dalam konteks yang sangat sempit bahwa kebahagiaan bukan saja mengenai pandangan, pikiran atau ilmu pengetahuan secara luas. Adalah hidup ternyata sangat sederhana hanya dalam beberapa mata.
Saya datang kedaerah yang sangat terpencil di daerah Sulawesi Tengah, berada di jalur barat Pantai Sulawesi, terdapat sebuah kampung yang terpencil, letaknya kurang lebih 3 Kilometer dari jalan trans barat Sulawesi tersebut, sebuah daerah yang awalnya merupakan daerah transmigrasi yang kemudian perlahan-lahan berubah menjadi sebuah kampung hampir mati, tanpa listrik, perekonomian pun bisa dikatakan hampir lumpuh bahkan infrastruktur yang tidak tertata.
Penghidupan mereka dari berkebun, namun itupun hanya dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari saja, sedangkan sisanya dijual atau ditukar dengan kebutuhan lainnya.
Siang hari itu, anak-anak sepulang belajar dari Sekolah dasar yang sangat sederhana bermain kejar-kejaran dilapangan ilalang yang membuat saya sebetulnya sangat prihatin mengingat kondisi (saya) yang merasa telah mengenyam pendidikan tinggi dan melihat dunia, secara sombong saya bertanya dalam hati "Apakah mereka nanti di masa depan?".
Kondisi ini terlontar begitu saja pada saat sedang berdiskusi di malam hari bersama ketua kampung tersebut dalam remang cahaya obor yang menerangi malam itu.
"Apa kamu akan menjamin kehidupan mereka ketika mereka mengenal dunia?"
Saya hanya bisaa diam menunggu penjelasan lebih lanjut, menurut ketua kampung tersebut, kebahagiaan bukan hanya terletak pada materi dan cara pandang, kebahagiaan itu terletak pada diri sendiri dan cara dia menemukan hidup, jika seseorang merasa bahagia dengan materi maka dia berbahagia dengan caranya sendiri.
"Kami lebih suka mengartikan hidup adalah ibadah dan makan, mengabdi pada agama sementara dalam kehidupan atau pemenuhan makan kami bisa dapat dengan bercocok tanam, itulah kebahagiaan bagi kami. Jika kami mengenal materi kemungkinan besar kami akan menjadi pencuri menimbang nafsu manusia selalu menjadi parameter untuk hidup. Kami memilih hidup tanpa listrik bukan karena kami miskin, tapi kami menerima kenyataan bahwa kami adalah manusia alam yang dekat dengan alam dan kearifan alam,"
"Apakah akan menjamin kebahagiaan ketika listrik sudah masuk ke daerah kami dan hanya orang-orang tertentu yang bisa membeli televisi kemudian, satu sama lain kemudian akan saling iri dan tentunya kebencian dan bahkan pemenuhan hasrat untuk memiliki televisi akan menjadi acuan hidup yang akan merusak norma-norma kemanusiaan itu sendiri."
"Kami bahagia dalam segala kelebihan kami dalam rasa syukur terhadap Tuhan, kami tidak berkekurangan dalam hal pangan dan tidak merasa diam dalam berusaha, kami punya cukup waktu untuk beribadah pada waktunya dan selalu berdoa dalam kebahagiaan kami, namun kendatipun begitu kami tidak mengekang bagi orang yang ingin menilik dunia melihat secara matanya sendiri melihat dan merasakan atau bahkan berpendidikan."
""Apa kamu akan menjamin kehidupan mereka ketika mereka mengenal dunia?"
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Portrait on Kidung Abadi (Tribute to Chrisye)
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Bangunkan aku!
Bukakan noktah hitam sehingga aku tahu ada titik putih tersembunyi
Biarkan aku tetap legam
Dalam bahasa biarkan ia menjadi kosmos
Memendar sebagian cahaya lalu membentuk jiwa
Bukakan noktah hitam sehingga aku tahu ada titik putih tersembunyi
Biarkan aku tetap legam
Dalam bahasa biarkan ia menjadi kosmos
Memendar sebagian cahaya lalu membentuk jiwa
Friday, April 13, 2012
sudutsudut simetris ingatan kamu
disofa lusuh berbau diam memandang dunia
mimpi tercipta berjuta asa
jika dan jika hingga ternyata
apakah kamu
dan siapakah kamu saat ini
jelmaan cerita atau mimpi yang tak bernama
bangun atau tak kan beranjak
tahun berikut sempat kau ada
bukan untuk memulai hidup dan mati
namun tetap diam menunggu gerak
bukan bidadari terpasung
hanya hujan yang bersuara kemarin dan hari ini
saat kucinta hujan di sebuah kota dongeng
aku sudah menemukan kau seperti siang
diterik matahari bukan saat hujan
berlarinya mimpi bukan kusiram dengan hujan
dia tetap diam apa itu kau?
sudutsudut simetris ingatan kamu
disofa lusuh berbau diam memandang dunia
mimpi tercipta berjuta asa
jika dan jika hingga ternyata
apakah kamu
dan siapakah kamu saat ini
jelmaan cerita atau mimpi yang tak bernama
bangun atau tak kan beranjak
tahun berikut sempat kau ada
bukan untuk memulai hidup dan mati
namun tetap diam menunggu gerak
bukan bidadari terpasung
hanya hujan yang bersuara kemarin dan hari ini
saat kucinta hujan di sebuah kota dongeng
aku sudah menemukan kau seperti siang
diterik matahari bukan saat hujan
berlarinya mimpi bukan kusiram dengan hujan
dia tetap diam apa itu kau?
Love in Silences
when you are chattering like a pigeon that has not been able to eat
but when you're quiet like an angel who carved gold
in warfare that you shout at it
all becomes apparent and silent sear
in a language, love is war
without conquest and war arrows or swords
within the soul that dumb even if there is love
but you're only a tale of noetic
when the commander to destroy the bond of love border of the city
and when that was destroyed later
but love is still there in silence and language
it was silent during bloom
it's dead also in silent when the future come
but when you're quiet like an angel who carved gold
in warfare that you shout at it
all becomes apparent and silent sear
in a language, love is war
without conquest and war arrows or swords
within the soul that dumb even if there is love
but you're only a tale of noetic
when the commander to destroy the bond of love border of the city
and when that was destroyed later
but love is still there in silence and language
it was silent during bloom
it's dead also in silent when the future come
She Dance when I told so
She brought me a sandals because she think she able to gave me a light. She's wear red dress and dance in front of me. She asked "Do you mind if I'm dancing?" I said no "I don't mind". There are no music played, breezes falling through the windows and sound of crowd outside was very clearly can be heard from inside. I sat down when she put her step in the middle of the stage. I can saw her eyes was closed but once in a minutes she opened her eyes and watch me which sat down on the corner of empty room.
There are no else between us, and I know that she was trying to say something, even so I just flow in it entered into a huge dimension of every single step she took. Her eyes slowly open then slowly closed while her focus was still on me. I know I'm in love that time even I'm afraid to get fall in it, but I'm not a coward who face thing as a thing that I should ignore, I just need to aware to further dream and feeling.
At some point she's head raise to the sky like she ignored that I'm there with here but then she bow and cried. It's like an enigma and day by days I'm trying to solve that eyes, but then I gave up and couldn't find the perfect story to wrote on.
She dance when I told so but then she stop at the point I don't want to stop and it slowly killing me as a dead sugar over my coffee
At some point she's head raise to the sky like she ignored that I'm there with here but then she bow and cried. It's like an enigma and day by days I'm trying to solve that eyes, but then I gave up and couldn't find the perfect story to wrote on.
She dance when I told so but then she stop at the point I don't want to stop and it slowly killing me as a dead sugar over my coffee
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Kenalkan saya, nama saya adalah saya
hidup diantara saya sebagai saya
saya bukan ke-aku-an tapi cukup saya
saya datang dari tempat dimana saya adalah bukan saya
saya berjalan tanpa ada saya menjadi saya karena saya berpikir tentang saya
saya tidak pernah sendiri
keluar dari saya mencoba menjadi saya
Jabat tangan saya
saya bisa merasakan siapa saya
saya bukan aku dan ego sebagai aku
karena selamanya saya adalah saya
tidak kami saya berjalan tanpa hampa
saya selalu berisi
melepas materi dan imateri terpandang
jauh sudah saya terlalu jauh
Saya menjadi saya karena saya tetap saya
melalui batas pandang sebagai saya
melihat cara pandang sebagai saya
meraba dengan cara saya
tapi saya bukan keber-aku-an sekali lagi
saya adalah saya
Ketika bangun pagi saya menatap saya
saya tahu itu bukan saya
biar keemudian saya akan berusaha menjadi saya
saya membuatkan kopi
tapi saya juga tidak meminum bagian saya
saya tidak takut akan menjadi aku
tapi aku itu bukan saya
dan saya tetap menjadi saya
Siang haripun saya berjalan dengan saya
tidak menggandeng saya, sayalah yang menggandeng saya
bukan aku, aku tidak tahu siapa saya
saya hanya kenal diri saya
begitupun sore dan malam ketika saya tertidur
saya pejamkan mata tanpa aku
bermimpi kadang dalam aku tapi tetap saja saya
saya adalah saya
begitupun besok
tapi tetap saya bukan hanyalah saya
saya adalah saya
bukan aku!
lalu siapakah kau?
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Masih kau berpuisi?
atau hanya melafal prosa ketika kau tak pernah mampu bicara?
bukan seperti dalam hafalan atau ejaan yang terbata
tapi sikap adalah bentuk dari paham
Mungkin saja kau akan mampu bergerak
melepaskan kendali sikap manusia dan teori kemanusian dalam kata
bukan saja nilai tapi melebihi nilai itu sendiri
tidak sadar bahwa nilai itu ada secara hakikat?
Kau bukan aku
begitupun juga aku tetap aku secara struktur
apakah namaku adalah cuma ke-berpuisian mu
tidak cukup saja antara bicara dan berkata
tak beralasan karena ada
nol bukan karena kosong
kosong sendiri menjadi berisi
dan itu adalah paham
makna dan mengerti
tahu seperti hidup!
atau hanya melafal prosa ketika kau tak pernah mampu bicara?
bukan seperti dalam hafalan atau ejaan yang terbata
tapi sikap adalah bentuk dari paham
Mungkin saja kau akan mampu bergerak
melepaskan kendali sikap manusia dan teori kemanusian dalam kata
bukan saja nilai tapi melebihi nilai itu sendiri
tidak sadar bahwa nilai itu ada secara hakikat?
Kau bukan aku
begitupun juga aku tetap aku secara struktur
apakah namaku adalah cuma ke-berpuisian mu
tidak cukup saja antara bicara dan berkata
tak beralasan karena ada
nol bukan karena kosong
kosong sendiri menjadi berisi
dan itu adalah paham
makna dan mengerti
tahu seperti hidup!
a Man and his spoon
As a living man, there's always something that we seen everyday. a new view of today, boredom of routine and things that actually we don't wanna see or we don't wanna meet but it already seen on your eyes and you make a perceptions on that. And it become a times that finally a judgement came. Value, marks and behavior
Perception can be expression, of a feeling, art or whatever but it also free without boundaries, everyone can express their feeling and judgement, but so are we.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Asked the April
a few years ago April is only about a time or a matter in it, a full of a month that represent of it self. There were nothing special happens or any of thing that should be remembered. Who was you in the April? are you became yourself when the time is doesn't show what you really need to up or what is depending on it as the time flow the April won't go away.
The rain might happen on the April or even summer can be possible happen, the sky not as a representative thing to show human individuality but it was a content about humans and humans are standing within a month of a year. 30 days of April that doesn't have any expect or dreams. Is it plural as it seems where it not happens on a days or it was the opposite about a focus of a heart to start loving by doing as common sense or it was just a runaway that actually you have been skipped all the world to find this April and killed by another April. Is it?
In some way you don't need asking about a question, what or why it should be April or time itself as time of continuous minutes, day by day and meet the April to stop all what you're doing and it's all done in a month. Who's April anyway?
[Do you love me?]
There are questions but further are only for existences, it never be a self recognizing. It also ain't a mirror considering peoples are different and has own thought. Importance, existence and what you will find in the future about your self due to time that flowing like the April which suddenly gone and came without you noticed. Is it important?
About the time itself. When will you stop loving her? or Is she loving you? It was a phrase that possible are chances, it can be happen but it also can be down as there are nothing happen or no longer needed to understand thing that actually larger than questioning about love - time - April where it shouldn't be marked as things that doesn't have the answer!
She asked, did I love you?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Do I ?
It is a dance and you're who I didn't know within
on my move I couldn't write thing as I saw you
and when I moved as a painter, I couldn't hold a brush
scratching where my finger is never be grow
coloring while I'm holding dark ink to filled the days
I do where I need to
I sang as a frog who sitting in front the pool
but I'm never swim or to make you swim
as my dance goes
as the silent won't fade away like a tones
What makes different?
The love on mind that doesn't dance
never moved while she was afraid of cold
just don't be I am to love
I came from the shadow of my existence
not even for asking
If you do would you tell me to
to what I am on what expressed in front
I never thought a feel
I just in love in it as my mind is able to speak
for you I do
on my move I couldn't write thing as I saw you
and when I moved as a painter, I couldn't hold a brush
scratching where my finger is never be grow
coloring while I'm holding dark ink to filled the days
I do where I need to
I sang as a frog who sitting in front the pool
but I'm never swim or to make you swim
as my dance goes
as the silent won't fade away like a tones
What makes different?
The love on mind that doesn't dance
never moved while she was afraid of cold
just don't be I am to love
I came from the shadow of my existence
not even for asking
If you do would you tell me to
to what I am on what expressed in front
I never thought a feel
I just in love in it as my mind is able to speak
for you I do
Language and Digestion
If there are a box you wouldn't asked how many square and how many corner are available from the shape, certainly eyes are only able to see but further eyes also make a final judgement from seeing things through perspectives and a point of human view.
Words are communicate and how to know and understand the point and it's include how it look on each draw, recognizing, character and what is the representative of the word it self.
Words ain't a Sword
It doesn't kill but in the same parable it is a tool to harm and the shape are equal. It is a word where everybody able to used anytime anywhere, it also has own interpretation which it can be mean something good and something bad.
Love is not Fall in Love
It is the same phrase where love is love and everybody has right to define what is love even some of them are to afraid to define or asking what love is. But love is a conscious way where actually mind is able to speak with it's own path while fall was came suddenly without your self recognizing on what you see. You just knowing what it feel.
And then all the speaks are sound as words like how a stomach digest your food. What do you understand on words?
Just a Time
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived:
Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left.
Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat.
Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness
“No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel,
“Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.” Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, “Sadness, let me go with you.”
“Oh….Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”
Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her! Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come Love, I will take you.” It was an elder.
Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went his own way.
Love realizing how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?”
“It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “Time?” asked Love.
“But why did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and
answered, “Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.”
Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left.
Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat.
Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness
“No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel,
“Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.” Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, “Sadness, let me go with you.”
“Oh….Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”
Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her! Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come Love, I will take you.” It was an elder.
Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went his own way.
Love realizing how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?”
“It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “Time?” asked Love.
“But why did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and
answered, “Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.”
Monday, March 26, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Cinta dalam cahaya
Bila peraduan adalah tempatku terlelap, mungkin aku tidak akan pernah terpejam
dibalik kesadaranku aku berpikir tentang cahaya yang berbeda
entah itu sesudah hujan ternyata kau datang sebagai cahaya
Aku hanya diam saja pada kemungkinan tertentu
rasa dan cinta bukan saja terdampar dikesunyian tapi itu proses berpikir
berkomunikasi dengan diam?
Sudah lama pula berteduh dalam hujan
tidak saja aku terjerumus tapi tenggelam
kupegang cahaya saat aku dalam sadar dan bermimpi
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
About a dance
You're acting like you have no skin
while your ear is in the sky capturing the rain drop
your eyes in within your soul
seeing thing that has not seen by other
in some moment
I tried to tied my hands and let my thought are dead for a while
considering you that I seen in front of my eyes
moving like no body knows
but certainly I know my self was capturing the rain
and I should take what I should have
not in a rush
While you're still dancing avoid the rain
while your ear is in the sky capturing the rain drop
your eyes in within your soul
seeing thing that has not seen by other
in some moment
I tried to tied my hands and let my thought are dead for a while
considering you that I seen in front of my eyes
moving like no body knows
but certainly I know my self was capturing the rain
and I should take what I should have
not in a rush
While you're still dancing avoid the rain
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Benarkah aku sudah lupa
seperti ketika cerita yang lalu tak pernah ada
atau seharusnyakah aku tak pernah ada
karena keberadaan hanya sebuah fiksi
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Lost in Translation and Symmetry
I shouldn't made a circle if I don't know where it should be end
I can't count down how far my pen already on the board
while the mind thinking the un-perfectness
so therefore I should set my ink for a circle
I shouldn't talk more language
to makes different between my dictionaries and pain
it was symmetrical movement
that I should go round and round
stopping for second and more to go
if tomorrow I should painting
should I buy black ink?
and trade them into a compass
so once again I will not lost
lost between symmetry I wrote
and dictionary which killing my words
I will got another translation
I can't count down how far my pen already on the board
while the mind thinking the un-perfectness
so therefore I should set my ink for a circle
I shouldn't talk more language
to makes different between my dictionaries and pain
it was symmetrical movement
that I should go round and round
stopping for second and more to go
if tomorrow I should painting
should I buy black ink?
and trade them into a compass
so once again I will not lost
lost between symmetry I wrote
and dictionary which killing my words
I will got another translation
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Killing The April
It's only a time where it's a matter of time
it shouldn't be an opposite but it's a true composition of thought
majority are inside the minority
like those who singing loud as tenor and basses in the same time
if words are able to kill so when I should killing time
it was harmonious
and it was a war as I have capture all the moment and forgot it
I'm painting now but I don't speak
if this is your face then turn me into a brush
but I won't called it as a curses
I'm not dangerous actually
even I wear a hazardous cloths as my ego
pain who does seen me and I'm in fire
ready killing for time and April
why April?
because those years will not exist if there was no April
I will paint more for December
so words will kill my self
not for my own purposes but for my will
a dream are escaped from my mind
and I'm gonna mad at me
then laughing me at my time
Is there more April to come
for years and month that I should forget
should I be
or shouldn't I become?
Is there a many thought within the expired mind?
no need to answer because it was not my duty
I already choose and become the choosen one
where I should be
and when it was
or when I should be
it shouldn't be an opposite but it's a true composition of thought
majority are inside the minority
like those who singing loud as tenor and basses in the same time
if words are able to kill so when I should killing time
it was harmonious
and it was a war as I have capture all the moment and forgot it
I'm painting now but I don't speak
if this is your face then turn me into a brush
but I won't called it as a curses
I'm not dangerous actually
even I wear a hazardous cloths as my ego
pain who does seen me and I'm in fire
ready killing for time and April
why April?
because those years will not exist if there was no April
I will paint more for December
so words will kill my self
not for my own purposes but for my will
a dream are escaped from my mind
and I'm gonna mad at me
then laughing me at my time
Is there more April to come
for years and month that I should forget
should I be
or shouldn't I become?
Is there a many thought within the expired mind?
no need to answer because it was not my duty
I already choose and become the choosen one
where I should be
and when it was
or when I should be
Friday, March 2, 2012
Tentang Sebuah Meja dan Hal yang Terlupa (Antara Mengerti dan Tidak harus Mengerti)
Tidak berukur
sedikit berbentuk tapi seni terlihat
Aku setengah tertawa
diantara mata yang menatap sahabat
sejenak setengah menangis secara bersama
Perkawanan tidak bersahabat
entah kemudian hilang dalam satu bingkai
mungkin saja aku hidup
tanpa batas melintasi meja
Resonansi suara
berkuasa saat sarapan
dengan cinta piringpiring mulai terbuka
sudah sangat jelas aku harus memasang telinga
demi kebanggaan mata sang ayah ibu
Saat peradilan aku terampuni
bukan meja hijau atau biru yang terlihat
mengakui dan menebusnya
Ayahku sempat meggebrak meja
aku kehilangan satu minggu
tapi tetap makan di meja yang sama
Aku berhormat lagi
seperti seseorang menjelang
akupun tidak harus tunduk
tapi harga tetaplah harga
suatu saat ku beli teh yang paling manis
biar mereka tidak segan untuk datang lagi
Meletakan mata pada ujung sembunyi
etika dan tata krama yang terlukis
aku belajar tanpa membayar
aku makan tanpa mengeluh
aku menata kopi di atasnya
perlambang pengabdi dan hormat
jadi biarkan dia melihat dengan terbuka tangan
Tidak berukur
sedikit berbentuk tapi seni terlihat
Aku setengah tertawa
diantara mata yang menatap sahabat
sejenak setengah menangis secara bersama
Perkawanan tidak bersahabat
entah kemudian hilang dalam satu bingkai
mungkin saja aku hidup
tanpa batas melintasi meja
Resonansi suara
berkuasa saat sarapan
dengan cinta piringpiring mulai terbuka
sudah sangat jelas aku harus memasang telinga
demi kebanggaan mata sang ayah ibu
Saat peradilan aku terampuni
bukan meja hijau atau biru yang terlihat
mengakui dan menebusnya
Ayahku sempat meggebrak meja
aku kehilangan satu minggu
tapi tetap makan di meja yang sama
Aku berhormat lagi
seperti seseorang menjelang
akupun tidak harus tunduk
tapi harga tetaplah harga
suatu saat ku beli teh yang paling manis
biar mereka tidak segan untuk datang lagi
Meletakan mata pada ujung sembunyi
etika dan tata krama yang terlukis
aku belajar tanpa membayar
aku makan tanpa mengeluh
aku menata kopi di atasnya
perlambang pengabdi dan hormat
jadi biarkan dia melihat dengan terbuka tangan
Table of Life
I sat watching how the dining table can be so meaningful inside a family, it become a media to unite whole thing happens within the live thing. A mother serve breakfast to her family with love, a father gave a role model how a man handle a family to his child. Kids were learning manner and what need to be an attitude to faced elder people.
It show power, systems and communication between one each others, a court to a family, forgiveness and also the greatest thing in family is love and tender. as an art table it self as esthetic thing that fill the function of the chair, it can be separate how a public table speak on its way into a private emotions among the table itself.
a Symbol and a silent witness of manything, from the small thing when a coffee served and discussions started and the big thing when people are talking about peace around the world or even when was the war happened.
Today I met my friend and talked about life, the table size was not larger than my dinning table at home. Six of us was laugh together there were no limitation for us to talk. Six people, four man and two woman were sitting together rounded at the tinny square table. On the table a different taste of food and drink served, we're communicate each other crossing those table. Suddenly we're stopped in the last minutes after talked many thing, my friend asked "what's happened if one of us is left in the future or maybe the area problem who will separate us from this togetherness and our number will be less, maybe five, four or even we're no longer together and live on one stand each other?".
The situation became different, all of us was silent and bow. I guessed that all of us were prayedin their heart wished that will be not happen among us. One of my friend confessed that if there are a person will leave in our community is him because he will left overseas and for several years he will absence from our gathering. But my friend who ask the question is said, "it's a matter of time, what I am trying to say is if someone between us is die first". All of us is shout at him and told him to stopped the topic and forget those discourse. One of my friend answered "Do not talk about the future that we even don't know about it, what we should do is doing our best as long as we are still together".
a Lost and thing that probably will happen to us, a symbol of togetherness where today we're gathering and someday one of us is left us and surely makes a different. different due to time and it represent by a table that often become a witness for us, an intrique, fight, misunderstanding then of of us is hit the table, one of us is crying and many things that will be happen.
a Media that gave us learning, make us easier to do things. a hobby, bussiness, even a dream was created on a table. That's life!
a Media that gave us learning, make us easier to do things. a hobby, bussiness, even a dream was created on a table. That's life!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Siapakah Dia?
Sudah menahun di batas terang
tidak saja terlupa bahkan hilang antara pejalan kaki
tidak hanya kubeli cat berwarna hitam
aku bahkan mencari noktah putih di malam hampir pagi
mungkin saja aku ada atau tak pernah ada
pelangi yang kubeli tak terbawa lagi
Jauh kah dia?
seberapa besar kah pikirannya
lalu apakah benar jika hitam sudah mengotori jubahku
aku harus kemana pada saat itu
Benar aku berlari dari hujan
tapi tidak membuatku kering dari hujan
aku semakin legam di danau kering
di mandikan air keruh dan bau amis bangkai
sedangkan aku tak bersepatu
Apakah akan hilang terang
sementara aku tak bisa mengikat tali sepatuku pagi hari
bau nanah hatiku pun sudah lupa
tapi benar aku lupa
tanpa mampu mengingat hari
Mungkin saja setahun sudah menahun
atau lukisan yang sudah pudar harus kubeli
untuk waktu yang bisa kusimpan
tapi seketika itu aku harus diam dalam hujan
hingga aku tertawa
untuk sehari lagi tanpa tanya
lalu siapakah dia?
tidak saja terlupa bahkan hilang antara pejalan kaki
tidak hanya kubeli cat berwarna hitam
aku bahkan mencari noktah putih di malam hampir pagi
mungkin saja aku ada atau tak pernah ada
pelangi yang kubeli tak terbawa lagi
Jauh kah dia?
seberapa besar kah pikirannya
lalu apakah benar jika hitam sudah mengotori jubahku
aku harus kemana pada saat itu
Benar aku berlari dari hujan
tapi tidak membuatku kering dari hujan
aku semakin legam di danau kering
di mandikan air keruh dan bau amis bangkai
sedangkan aku tak bersepatu
Apakah akan hilang terang
sementara aku tak bisa mengikat tali sepatuku pagi hari
bau nanah hatiku pun sudah lupa
tapi benar aku lupa
tanpa mampu mengingat hari
Mungkin saja setahun sudah menahun
atau lukisan yang sudah pudar harus kubeli
untuk waktu yang bisa kusimpan
tapi seketika itu aku harus diam dalam hujan
hingga aku tertawa
untuk sehari lagi tanpa tanya
lalu siapakah dia?
Monday, February 27, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Dari ketinggian
Setinggi kurcaci saja memandang bukan tinggi
pada perbukitan aku mendaki tidak lebih tinggi dari gunung
aku terpalu rendah di dataran rendah
terkunci pada perangkap babi yang berlumpur
kemudian hinakan aku
Sandal yang kubeli tidak saja putus
merancang gerak tangan aja aku sudah tak mampu
bangunkan aku sekali lagi
biar tiada berkawan aku mencinta musuhku
Sudah cukuplah aku tertebas parang tanpa alas kaki
aku sudah cukup luka
Aku tak berharap langit
dia akan segera turun dengan hujan dalam yakin
setinggi menara menara pengawas yang kumuh
perjalannya mungkin selama 3 bulan
pada perbukitan aku mendaki tidak lebih tinggi dari gunung
aku terpalu rendah di dataran rendah
terkunci pada perangkap babi yang berlumpur
kemudian hinakan aku
Sandal yang kubeli tidak saja putus
merancang gerak tangan aja aku sudah tak mampu
bangunkan aku sekali lagi
biar tiada berkawan aku mencinta musuhku
Sudah cukuplah aku tertebas parang tanpa alas kaki
aku sudah cukup luka
Aku tak berharap langit
dia akan segera turun dengan hujan dalam yakin
setinggi menara menara pengawas yang kumuh
perjalannya mungkin selama 3 bulan
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Pejalan Kaki
Aku mungkin tidak sempat mengeja namaku sendiri saat berjalan di bawah kolom kolom tua yang menggantung tempat laba laba sudah semakin tua dan cat yang semakin pudar karena usia, sementara di pelatarannya berderet rapi paving block yang menutupi trotoar yang sudah menjasi saksi bisu terhadap hidup berpuluh tahun. Entah saksi terhadap kehidupan yang kelam dengan segala kemegahannya entah segala intrik yang terjadi antara kaya dan miskin serta semangat perjuangan yang semu arti kemerdekaannya.
Di samping kiri dan kanan seorang pelukis yang memajangkan hasil goresan tangan yang berwarna warni sementara di toko toko tua yang menjajakan berbagai panganan serta kerajinan tangan sebagai cindera mata kota Bandung yang semakin sempit dan panas.
Di sisi lain gemerincing dan dentuman suara musik menggema seperti tidak ada suara lain yang terdengar dari dalam sana, anak muda keluar masuk dari tempat tersebut sedangkan di depannya berjajar kendaraan kendaraan yang terparkir mengusik perjalanan kendaraan yang melintas sehingga menimbulkan kemacetan.
Sungguh aku takjub dengan waktu ketika aku bisa berhimpit himpit berlindung dari hujan pada malam beberapa tahun yang lalu kemudian tertidur di depan pelataran bangunan tua yang sudah mati dan tak berpenghuni. Dan aku masih belum bisa mengeja namaku sera membuat bayanganku sadar betul keberadaan ku, siapakah aku yang telah berubah karena renta serta dimanakah waktu saat aku bisa bergelayut dengan mimpi kemudian mati karena bermimpi.
Aku masih berjalan mengamati orang sekitarku, ada yang mengeluh dan menikmati keindahan peninggalan kota yang sudah tidak muda lagi bahkan banyak yang mengabadikan gambarnya pada kamera kamera mereka. Aku dalam kebingunganku berjalan melihat kedepan dengan cara berbeda pada kebutaan mataku, aku tak melihat aku di masa lalu bahkan masa depan sementara saat ku raba diriku aku sudah tidak mempunyai hati dan menjadi seonggok kehidupan tanpa pandangan.
Apakah aku berpikir tentang sebuah tatanan kota yang semakin rumit dengan problematika kehidupannya atau justru aku sedang tenggelam mengenali dimana aku harus berdiri sementara alas kakiku sudah semakin rusak karena kaki kaki yang semakin lebar menuju kedewasaan umur namun tidak dalam berpikir, atau justru karena aku terlalu berjalan jauh menjauh dari kerumunan yang justru membunuhku dan aku sendirilah yang membuang langkahku pada beberapa titik kegelisahanku pada teori teori kemanusiaan dan tentang penciptaan Tuhan yakni alam semesta ini. Siapakah aku?
Di kejauhan seorang pengemis yang meminta pada kendaraan yang sedang melaju dalam kemacetan, pengemudi tampaknya tidak peduli sementara sang pengemis menggerutu karena tidak mendapatkan belas kasihan si pengendara mobil. Di sisi lain pengendara motor yang seolah tak mau dikalahkan oleh waktu terus menggeliat memacu tanpa peduli kemacetan menerobos sela sela mobil bahkan tak jarang merampok hak pejalan kaki menaiki trotoar di samping jalan demi berpacu dengan waktu. Aku nyaris tertabrak olehnya tapi untung saja lamunanku ini adalah sebuah bentuk sadar yang semu antara kenyataan dan pandangan kosong seorang manusia yang menepiskan putus asa.
Aku berjalan terus pada saat rintik hujan sudah semakin lebat, aku tidak ingin peduli dan hanya ingin merasakan damai hujan untuk kesekian kali namun aku harus menangis karena petir yang menyambar terlalu indah untuk kulewatkan didepan kebutaanku. Seorang pedagang kaki lima memenuhi jalan trotoar tempat jalurku melintas, Aku harus kemana dan berpindah pada jalan raya tempat para pengendara memacu kendaraannya. Sang pedagang menggerutu pada hujan dan berharap matahari dapat datang lagi hingga dagangannya laku, anaknya yang kecil kecil berteduh dalam tenda yang robek sementara orang tuanya sibuk membereskan bangku plastik tempat para pelanggannya duduk. Seorang laki laki berbadan besar yang tampak seperti orang kaya tampak menegur si pedagang untuk tidak berjualan di depan toko miliknya, Si pedagang kemudian menambah keluhannya pada dunia bahwa tak ada tempat bagi orang kecil seperti dia diantara lahan rampokan dia terhadap pejalan kaki.
Aku masih berusaha menemukan diriku dalam hujan hingga tengah malam berjalan memutari kota itu dengan segala proses yang aku temui dan kesenjangan sosial maupun keluhan sosial dan kehidupan duniawi terlebih saat adzan berkumandang dan tak ada yang mendengarnya seolah hanya nyanyian kosong ajakan untuk beribadah. Aku semakin perih.
Entah seperti apa dunia nanti?
Monday, February 20, 2012
Even I'm not able to run I know I can use my feet to step and walk even in certain speed. In this path I can see life and many reality of my environment remembering I'm not alone in this world and I knew I should aware with my own atmospheres. I created a box not because I will fall into it, it just the matter of my boundaries where I should stopped and then walk again like others. Between the past crossing the future and the present day as my thinking on many ideas outside the box which I built.
At the first step might be I'm too weak without power so what I did in the past was just an eliminate feeling where I'm fighting because of it, right here at the corner of the street where the pavement are no longer suitable for pedestrians, where pedestrians right was taken away by someone who has enough power or powerless. I'm in a dilemma where I should make a sound and take care of my environment meanwhile they need to make a destruction, a forbidden destruction, a right thief. They stand on the pavement selling to fulfill their needed while I do just complaining bout the things outside the humanity.
Is it disciplines already died, where people are not necessary to think others and start to act that we're living in ourselves.
I don't know and really never know when I was learning about life what I found is not an answer instead more questions. I'm asking for more and stop for thousand times to ask and still I couldn't talk and decide what I should ask..
And I keep walk!
Humanity and social problem are seem easy within our eyes but the fact was deep, it larger than a war scale of even it is smaller thing than put a food into our mouth, it is more about life and all the intrigue and all the problems within. Many small thing that we didn't notice or realizing that we're done something wrong affect to our social life.
Pavement? what special about it? Is it only an infrastructure where we should walk on the side safely and comfort next to out destination and many thing. Yes it only a path where it doesn't has special feature on it, but did you know there are many simple thing which invisible and it really basic thing in life. HUMAN RIGHT, sure everyone has right to do their activity, to breath, walking and even running in a public area. Who provided it? Government? Us or our society who demand to built our needed?
Let's walk over the pedestrian, and I'm talking about Indonesian pedestrian. It doesn't matter where you stood up against your will to walk or brought your ego to fill in the path with your on way but WE'RE NOT ALONE!.
Pavement was built for pedestrian where everybody can feel comfort when they are walking and safe from the vehicle across the street. but whats happened? when traffic jam is happen on the street the motorbike is start to climb on the pavement and rode like it was his road without feeling guilty, He didn't realize that he was tread on the pedestrian's right. He think it's the matter of opportunity but IT WAS WRONG!! When you start to ride over the pavement your discipline was killed by your ego and as emotions, you've beaten by your EGO and it make you a STUPID PERSON!!. and that is a describe about life actually where you should learn from thing that is simple but it was made you a good person or a bad person.
That is only one case that happen, then in some place cadger was fill up the pavement covered along our eyes can see, they acting like there are nothing happens in front of them. They will said it was their right too to selling and get a life but how about the pedestrians walk? It is not about high people or low people in economic do their life but this is about humanity where discipline are depend on every single body thought and perceptions.
Then start walking!
You'll seen a lot many diversity of people, there are hope, dream or even crime which happen every minutes all over the world. Walking means dynamic change from the zero point to some point, no matter how fast or how great you're we're walked in the same earth as human even there are many different thing we saw. YES IT'S A MATTER OF PERCEPTIONS OF HUMAN.
Is it a choice when someone choose to walk, ride a motorbike or by car? yes it was a choice of everybody but it also in the right tracks without hurting others.
Humanity and social problem are seem easy within our eyes but the fact was deep, it larger than a war scale of even it is smaller thing than put a food into our mouth, it is more about life and all the intrigue and all the problems within. Many small thing that we didn't notice or realizing that we're done something wrong affect to our social life.
Pavement? what special about it? Is it only an infrastructure where we should walk on the side safely and comfort next to out destination and many thing. Yes it only a path where it doesn't has special feature on it, but did you know there are many simple thing which invisible and it really basic thing in life. HUMAN RIGHT, sure everyone has right to do their activity, to breath, walking and even running in a public area. Who provided it? Government? Us or our society who demand to built our needed?
Let's walk over the pedestrian, and I'm talking about Indonesian pedestrian. It doesn't matter where you stood up against your will to walk or brought your ego to fill in the path with your on way but WE'RE NOT ALONE!.
Pavement was built for pedestrian where everybody can feel comfort when they are walking and safe from the vehicle across the street. but whats happened? when traffic jam is happen on the street the motorbike is start to climb on the pavement and rode like it was his road without feeling guilty, He didn't realize that he was tread on the pedestrian's right. He think it's the matter of opportunity but IT WAS WRONG!! When you start to ride over the pavement your discipline was killed by your ego and as emotions, you've beaten by your EGO and it make you a STUPID PERSON!!. and that is a describe about life actually where you should learn from thing that is simple but it was made you a good person or a bad person.
That is only one case that happen, then in some place cadger was fill up the pavement covered along our eyes can see, they acting like there are nothing happens in front of them. They will said it was their right too to selling and get a life but how about the pedestrians walk? It is not about high people or low people in economic do their life but this is about humanity where discipline are depend on every single body thought and perceptions.
Then start walking!
You'll seen a lot many diversity of people, there are hope, dream or even crime which happen every minutes all over the world. Walking means dynamic change from the zero point to some point, no matter how fast or how great you're we're walked in the same earth as human even there are many different thing we saw. YES IT'S A MATTER OF PERCEPTIONS OF HUMAN.
Is it a choice when someone choose to walk, ride a motorbike or by car? yes it was a choice of everybody but it also in the right tracks without hurting others.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Bandung on The move
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Braga - Bandung |
Braga - Bandung |
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Savoy Homan - Bandung |
Merdeka building - Asia Afrika bandung |
Asia Afrika - Bandung |
The day when we're born
some people said, the third day of a born child is the time to make a decision what would be you in the next day
some people said, the fourth day after the first breath is a moment to fulfill the destiny forward
and each day... after birth in a day or after day even years there always be a lesson that never end. you'll meet the machine and many equipment that supporting to your stand (love, career etc)
but the most wonderful grateful is about understanding how does our soul supporting us, how our mind play tricky when someone told that he loves you without end, how your body was shaking after you heard a word "love".
how wonderful it be... God creature which doesn't have perfectness but it can survive to be a person who remembering who and what we are.
it's like a continous time which always ticking without speed there's no slower time or faster and it how it goes by a process called life. a meaning live.
can you imagine how much step you already taken since you're a baby born... how many fall? how many tears? and how many time you spend your time to laugh.... how wonderful it is?
a Mirror and an eyes that couldn't see
Mommy...I bought a mirror yesterday, Where is it now?
Yesterday I had a bad dream but I couldn't remembered what I dreamed
I just had a bad situation where today's luck are because of my dream
Yesterday I had a bad dream but I couldn't remembered what I dreamed
I just had a bad situation where today's luck are because of my dream
One of sequel on that dream was told me to buy a mirror, so I bought it today in a market to release my bad luck.
Till this morning I'm not seen my mirror, where is it Mommy?
even last night I didn't dream some a bad dream I still need those mirror, I wanna reflect my self
I want to see how my look and find out why others always seen my look
Mommy, I wanna be invisible actually.
I don't when everybody is looking at me specially looking the way I looked
I didn't saw my own face and I need that mirror to see my eyes shape and how my mouth is open to speak and smile.
They said I had an ugly face
they also said it will be better for me to keep silent because when I smile, my face is scary
Mommy... Help me to know my self, you know better about my face
Where is my mirror?
My child, what is actually you dreamed of?
Did you see anything wrong or bad things happen to you
I never moved your mirror since you bought it yesterday
If you are afraid of others judgement, don't listen to them
I know you better, I'm your mother
If someone told you that you are ugly, it mean you're more handsome than them
and when they told you to keep silent it mean when you smile or talk then you're smarter than them
You don't need those mirror
what you should do is being your self without others want to be
I wouldn't tell you that you should put your dream on the sky
I just need you to know your self without seeing,
Seeing is only about a mark where you will make a value a minutes after you saw things
it will be different if you knowing and understanding thing then make an assume about it
My child, there are thing that we shouldn't understand by seeing
it is more about understanding and knowing with our deepest heart
Mommy... you always told me that I should reflect my self
but how come I'm able to reflect my self if I couldn't find a mirror
My child, what did you see?
I didn't see nothing, since I was born I couldn't see nothing
Then what is actually you saw on your bad dream?
I didn't see mother, I just felt it!
And what thing that will make you feel happy?
I know my self as you always told me
Do you able to know your self without seeing now?
Just touch your face and feel what is look like
seeing with your heart, knowing where you stand, knowing where will you go
and the most important is knowing where you are from
I'm sorry mother, in fact I'm just a human being which killed by the trend.
I don't wanna be a part of the trends
Thank you mother....
I love you
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
To be Yours
Inside the arm that wearing gloves
And look when you never seen
Bright sky uppon my eyes
Through faraway that my eyes can see
In this depth
To be spoken
Replace my word
To be silence
Replace my language
I'll wake up when it rain
Or i already fly with the concorde
Beyond all my imagination
And i buy my spirit then in a market
And look when you never seen
Bright sky uppon my eyes
Through faraway that my eyes can see
In this depth
To be spoken
Replace my word
To be silence
Replace my language
I'll wake up when it rain
Or i already fly with the concorde
Beyond all my imagination
And i buy my spirit then in a market
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Tales Between Under of Standing and The Coffee that Bite
I walked down the stair from the sky where I hang up my dream since I was a boy. I rode my shadow to drawn fast from the high. At my age I've been climbed up to the sky where actually my mom always said that my dream was upon the sky. But what I got? I couldn't release my tied and the stair also not strong enough to push me up so I choose to move down after asked to the rain what should I do when I met failure.
The rain said "If you're reach place higher then you'll be afraid of high but it will different if you're fall down in a hole, what you able to do is only climb up". Actually it isn't my will to went down but the reality was pushed me down to the ground which the earth where my feet are should belong.
I'm drawn to the earth so fast because I knew my shadow was good at the ground even it will be hurt falling to the ground but I'm sure there are the place that I should standing, under the sky where I could believe in thing and under the stand of the sky. Boundaries on something where I need to pursue and what is to be set as my goal at my own life.
I'm speeding without any parachute, my head is down and my eyes was starred to sky where before I tried to reach until I realized that was only my childhood dream. Dream to pick the star and catching the rainbow. I didn't close my eyes to dream so it will motivate me that someday I'll be back to the sky, Surely i don't have money to buy a flight by plane but it doesn't matter, I'm able to dream some more about being the Superman.
In the middle of my fallen, a bird was came to me and asking why I'm so foolish to go down when everybody want to climb up. I said to him that something in life is need more to be understand than climb up to the sky, I didn't recognize my self and what I will do is knowing my self first to climb up again and even i should climb as a dead body. At least that time I know who I am, he was cried during my fallen, I didn't know how long I've been falling down but I knew that was far enough to dream about how many years I've been alive.
The bird now didn't spread his wing so he start to fall with me, but because of my weight I felt down first. I could see he tried to catch my speed but he couldn't so I slowed down my fall, but I couldn't my shadow was insist me to get down fastest as he can.
I left him in the sky, my eyes didn't see him anymore, I was turned my eyes down where I could seen a huge lake was under me and in a minutes I would fall into that lake.
For a hour I'm entering the water surface till I got back to the surface, I'm floating and try to swam on the side of the lake. The water was bitter and it feel like I knew this taste before, I'd reach the side of the lake but I was still in a high. It was like a dejavu where actually I've seen this situation before, I jumped down and realized that I was jumped from a cup which usualy I used for a coffee. My thought was right, it is my cup and I disn't fall on a lake, I was fallen into a coffee cup. I wondered why the cup was so big, am I dreaming or it just my fantasy?. Suddenly a giant came and grabbed those cup and drank the coffee, I tried to see who's the giant and suprised that was me.
Many question was appear in my head, why I was there seeing thing that larger than me and why I felt from the sky and drown into my on coffee. Am I been cursed and shrinked or any other excuse.
I seen the giant which is my self was wrote a note on a paper, he wrote "Who am I and where I am?" then I started notice that life is not just a simple of knowing and climb up to pursue our goal, it was more about essence and existence of our self. Realizing that I was a small thing in a huge world and even just a tinny thing in front of God Who has created us.
As the coffee everyone has a choice in life, as idea, as thought and as how their seeing on this life. Direction is God, how we get closed to God, knowing our self as God's creature who need to bow to God and realizing who we are in a tinny world called earth.
I woke up with my eyes still closed, where I could smell a coffee beside my bed.
Many question was appear in my head, why I was there seeing thing that larger than me and why I felt from the sky and drown into my on coffee. Am I been cursed and shrinked or any other excuse.
I seen the giant which is my self was wrote a note on a paper, he wrote "Who am I and where I am?" then I started notice that life is not just a simple of knowing and climb up to pursue our goal, it was more about essence and existence of our self. Realizing that I was a small thing in a huge world and even just a tinny thing in front of God Who has created us.
As the coffee everyone has a choice in life, as idea, as thought and as how their seeing on this life. Direction is God, how we get closed to God, knowing our self as God's creature who need to bow to God and realizing who we are in a tinny world called earth.
I woke up with my eyes still closed, where I could smell a coffee beside my bed.
Pagi #7
Sejenak aku menatap hampa, berdiri dalam kegelapan, seperti dunia ini telah memutarbalikan masa lalu yang takjub pada kecanggihan teknologi penerangan yang menerangi kota ini, namun berbeda dengan saat ini dua batang lilin kecil yang hampir habis menemaniku pada malam ini dalam sebuah potret kehampaan tanpa teman untuk saling berbagi, tanpa kata dan tanpa bahasa, yang ada hanya cahaya remang suara gemericik gerimis yang mulai membasahi bumi.
Jika ini adalah sebuah karangan sesaat aku ingin memutuskan untuk berhenti menulis, tapi aku sendiri bahkan tak bisa menyangkal bahwa ini adalah cerita kehidupanku. Tiupan angin malam begitu kencang seolah ingin membubarkan keramaian dalam lingkup pikiranku, api yang menyala-nyala ini menggambarkan kegundahanku, kegelisahan yang tetap saja aku tak tahu, aku tak pernah tahu apakah ini adalah kerinduanku atau sebuah cambukan keras yang sesaat membutakan aku dari berbagai peristiwa yang seharusnya aku alami dan aku lewatkan begitu saja tanpa melakukan apa-apa…..
Ah…. Hidup ini sungguh aneh, setelah aku merasa menemukan suatu yang hilang dalam bagian hidupku yang kini datang dan menghilang begitu saja, ya… aku kemudian kehilanganmu.
Tulusnya cinta ini kini bukan sebuah harga mati karena untuk sekali lagi aku tak pernah menginginkan cinta sejati, aku hanya ingin ada orang yang mencintaiku untuk sekali saja.
Satu bulan lebih waktu ini terlewatkan, terasa sangat menyesakkan setelah kita berbicara tentang perpisahan kita, semua penuh sesak dengan bayang-bayangmu bahkan selama itu juga aku tak tahu apakah aku harus terbuai dalam suasana mimpi yang selalu menampakan bayangmu, aku tahu kamu siapa dan tak pernah tahu tujuanmu menghela nafas-nafasku serta mencibir semua omongan ku serta membelah tiap tetes keringat yang mengucur dari otakku.
Ingin sekali lagi kuteriakan “mengapa?”, tapi aku tak pernah sanggup berkata dengan lensa waktu yang semakin condong kedepan dan tak tahu kapan akan kembali konstan. Aku bahkan tak berani untuk muncul lagi kepermukaan sebagai seorang manusia yang sedang mencari cinta. Apa ini semua hanya sebuah bentuk deskriptif dan imaginatif yang kuciptakan sebagai realita dunia?, apa ini semua hanya sebuah karya kecil bagi diriku yang gagal dan telah terkontaminasi baik secara fisik maupun pikiran?. Mungkin semua itu hanya sebuah kesalahan yang semu, terkadang keruh terkadang pula jernih karena kotoran-kotoran yang ada telah mengendap dibawah. Aku juga tahu itu semua bukan kebohongan sistem, karena aku merasa hidup dalam demokrasiku yang sedikit demi sedikit kini terkikis oleh keegoisan yang hampir menjelma sempurna.
Kapan aku akan mulai lagi terbangun dalam keadaan segar dan bugar, mulai memikirkan diriku sendiri, dan mulai membangun jerih payah yang selama ini tertunda walaupun harus aku mengulang dari awal lagi, mulai mempercayai sebuah keindahan ataupun kesempurnaan hidup yang penuh dengan “isme-isme” yang mengendap pada tiap kepala manusia. Aku sendiri akan berusaha untuk tidak terkejut dengan apa yang kau miliki sekarang, sebelum atau sesudah ada kamu disisiku. Aku meyakini sesuatu yang hidup dalam keyakinanku, yang mungkin lebih beradab dalam pandanganku dan sesuatu yang bisa menyelamatkan aku. Inilah sesuatu yang selama ini mengendap dan sesuatu yang selama ini saling kejar mengejar antara keyakinan dan kegetiran hidup karena aku tahu betul hidup ini tidak begitu kejam saat kau mengetahui essensimu sebagai manusia, hanya saja jalan yang ada terkadang terlalu berkelok-kelok dan terkadang tanpa arah. Itulah hidupku yang sekali dan dua kali terus menerus memutar roda jaman dari garis permulaan, kemudian ada isi, isu dan sebagainya dan diakhiri dengan penutup disertai lampiran-lampiran yang begitu panjang sebagai saksi perjalanan sang waktu. Aku hanya takut pada tiap gerakan waktu yang terus menyeretku hingga keterbelengguan ini berubah menjadi kebebasan yang menyakitkan dan menyeretku pada lobang hitam yang tak akan pernah ada ujungnya.
Pagi #6
Satu cerita tentang sebuah surga kecil yang kunamakan persahabatan, yang selalu hadir untuk berusaha menutupi kekacauan-kekacauanku dengan menyampaikan semua rasa takutmu, lalu engkau tertawa untuk kemudian pulang dan menangis, ibarat sebuah drama komedi dimana engkau selalu bisa membuat gelak tawa dan menghidupkan setan-setan pembangkit urat syaraf tawa, engkau menciptakan kebersamaan untuk kemudian kau pulang dengan membawa sejuta umpatan.
Kamu selalu fasih menghisap rokokmu, terus dan terus seolah tiap hisapan yang kemudian engkau hembuskan asapnya dapat mengeluarkan segala keluh kesah dan masalah dari mulutmu sendiri, tapi kamu sendiri membenci orang-orang yang merokok di hadapanmu seolah dia tak pernah menghargai diri kamu ataupun orang yang merokok tanpa peduli bahwa kamu memang benar ada dan diciptakan oleh Tuhan.
Terkadang kamu juga selalu memproklamirkan bahwa kamu dapat menaklukan dunia ini, terkadang juga kau menangis menahan gelak tawa dengan segala ucapan bahwa betapa celakanya dirimu………
Kau memintaku membawa dunia ini, kau memintaku untuk mempersembahkan jagad ini, walaupun kau tahu waktu tlah berubah berpaling jauh dariku. Apa aku harus tetap menunggu hingga kematianku meneriakkan bahwa ini adalah langkah akhirku, langkah sebuah keputusan yang seharusnya aku buat sejak puluhan tahun kebelakang saat aku melihat dunia ini dengan tangisan dan suara adzan yang terngiang di telingaku……ya, pada saat aku lahir.
Aku harus terus meratapi kepedihan yang kemudian membuatku mengunci rapat-rapat kamar ini dan menutup semua inderaku untuk bisa bertahan dengan diam tanpa bahasa, kata-kata serta sikap, haruskah….??
Jika memang benar aku telah mengecewakan dirimu, aku hanya ingin tahu dasarnya, apa karena ketakutanmu untuk hidup sejajar dibawah bersamaku ataukah kau hanya takut untuk merasa terjatuh?. Apakah kau memang tidak pernah tulus mencintaiku? Lalu kenapa juga kau merasa bahwa aku hanya seorang manusia yang bisa melakukan apapun dan bahkan keberadaan aku diragukan, kamu cinta siapa……? Dan pernahkah kau sedikit mencintaiku? Atau memang semua hanya khayalku semata yang menjanjikan berbagai harap dan tujuan akhirku. Apa ini hanya sebuah pertanyaan yang seharusnya tidak dijawab sama sekali walaupun telah sampai batas waktuku yang kau tentukan sebagai hari-hari kematianku, apakah aku juga harus merasa puas dan menertawakan diriku sendiri karena telah membuat aku meninggalkanmu, yang pada kenyataannya………, mana?? Kamu selalu merasa kecewa dan membuang jauh-jauh rasa yang pernah timbul pada saat pertama kutatap kedua bola matamu pada sebuah sore mendung yang memberikanku sedikit gairah dan kini kau juga sekaligus telah menghilangkan rasa percayamu sebagai dasar suatu ikatan manusia.
Memang ini adalah amarahku, kebencianku tapi satu hal yang aku ataupun siapapun tidak akan mengerti bahwa inilah cintaku yang aku sendiri berharap bisa berubah menjadi keteguhan hati atau sebuah cinta yang tulus dan tak hanya sesaat, ternyata merupakan sebuah media dimana pikiran-pikiranku mulai dikaburkan oleh suasana dengan melupakan beberapa hal yang sebenarnya aku telah kejar sampai sejauh ini dan satu garis kesimpulan yang begitu mudah ku tarik dalam waktu yang singkat bahwa semua itu hanya sebuah omong kosong belaka. Perputaran waktu ini terus berputrar dan berkembang seiring nada-nada, degup jantung yang saat ini merupakan tantangan terberatku. Itulah diriku yang sempat satu hari kemarin aku bisa merasakan tulanng-tulang rusukku seperti patah, lapuk ibarat sebuah dahan yang tertimpa beratus-ratus ton beban, sebuah goresan tentang hidup mengingat cintaku pada dirimu……
Jika ini memang benar yang kamu mau, aku akan sangat merelakan semuanya terbakar habis, bahkan aku bisa saja rela mati demi kebahagiaanmu, aku hanya ingin kau mengerti untuk sesekali bahwa dunia ini hanya sebuah orientasi, pandangan yang selama ini tak pernah ada dalam lingkaran waktu yang disebut cinta, itu semua bohong kecuali sisi-sisi agamis pada setiap manusia, ini semua hanya sebuah pertanggung jawaban diri terhadap nyawanya sendiri terhadap masa setelah kehidupan ini hilang.
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