Am I'm weird? Who would be answering my question, of course everybody will answer it. yes I'm totally crazy and weird as human. Why everybody would say the same answer? because of everybody was make a judgement which is always one step below of his capacity. am I right? not an absolute too, there's some other answers, perhaps a good thing of me or even the answer is contain hidden agenda and bla bla bla.... no wonder that negative thinking was bad because it always continues and will not stop until someone was hurt.
Why need a judgement? if it not to be judge! the same question I said above was the example of being human, we're asking about our self and complaining when people answered the different thing within our mind. people are expecting everybody would said the good thing of them but forget how to become a good thing is a long way process and not just one or two who make a judgement, maybe million or billion (if we're that famous).

I'm falling in love!
Which side? on my side or someone's side? (then I put my question inside of my box of thought because I knew the answer is impossible to get along which called love each other). so am I falling in love? answered by me also it "none", it just an expression or art which came out from your soul? why? then I'm answering that would be a sentence where there is a big question about LOVE, LIFE, FAITH and DESTINY.
Black and white television is not a called TV right? make sense.....
But however, it turns out a question above is one of the most issues the same like love feeling, doubt and a big mark of "MATE and DESTINY".The scientist will be answer "Black is the color while white is not" why? let see some experimental perspectives. first we must return the basic understanding of how colors are created. There are two example of how color into existence ; real object and objects are not real (inside the TV).The color of real object is the result of pigments of coloring agent molecules.
Hmmm.....(Humming.. with "m" vocal ; why not "a" or else?)
If Love is a white color than it can be categorized as color, it also become a purify where it not showing dominant or when we mixed it in others colors the white will be blurred, like a love for the first it is a pure where an expression of a heart. in real time we called "Love at first sight or chemistry of love". but then what happen when there's a lot color mixed into it. red will become smoother and also the others color but the white it self was blurred. and couldn't be separate to be pure white anymore. so is it love was real? I would answer YES and how we believe on it is about relativity. (found more perception between the millions).
Is black and white is the color when produced by the light? Answer additive color theory : "Black is the absence of color and therefore not a color. when no light, all black, like the night or when the TV is dead. White is a mixture of all colors and hence he is the color. light generally appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white lights which consists of all color spectrum,a new look when passing a prism. Rainbow was the proof". so what is love is it black or white? the answer is still white, and black was not a color where has a neutral position not a good thing or not a bad thing. it just a base of something which covered by something.
Is black a color?
Final answer : NO, Black is not a color.Black object absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and not reflect any color spectrum to the eye.(Black is a space of human heart where there is no end of it we're explored into it and never find the answer until we're limited on our belief)
Is white a color?
Final answer : YES, White is the color. White reflects all colors of the spectrum of light that can be visible to the eye.(like a love.....even it blurred by thing or other color, once you had falling in love then for the next you're falling into love)
like your eyes.
I can seen many doubt when you're not care and you're care and as human it covered by ego where I never know the depth of it. I made my choice "rain" to keep this "white".
and let I'm become weird because my choice. I can seen many doubt when you're not care and you're care and as human it covered by ego where I never know the depth of it. I made my choice "rain" to keep this "white".
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