Cipatujah South Coast - Tasikmalaya |
Night was falling covered the lake, the rain was stopped and the sky turning become dim under the full moon. Mike was sitting on the lake side watching his reflection on the water surface. He had a hard days since the rain dance that night.
In silent Mike is asking to his reflection.
"who are you? once again I asked?"
"who am I? I am always be you, who walked along the way
who starred the future on your dream two meters a head
who put your vision 10 centimeters in front of your eyes"
"then what I am now?"
"you're human being!"
"but human always connected on and another, while me? sitting here alone without nothing"
"you're stupid Mike!
love has make your eyes blind and cover your mind with sorrow"
"but I was falling in love, at least I think so!"
"no you were not, love is between two heart and you're only have one"
"damn! this conversation will not end if I am continue of this broken thing!"
Then Mike took his guitar, he didn't sing only played the guitar loudly, he choose a syncopation of jazz in a minor tones. He heard a wolf singing under the full moon, but he keep the jazz among him. He shout when he realized something "
love is jazz!".
Jazz which played by heart without boundaries, only improvitation of soul. There's no heartache or even sorrow. It flow like a river which flowing from high land to the sea, even sometimes you'll be not able to stand in the same river it kept in a rhyme where tunes and tones are a song of the heart.
A freedom of a movement where there's no limitation of word or tones but it still harmonic on ears which listen of jazz. Mike was smiling now, he felt that he removed all the pain and start understanding something.
Listen for the wind blows, sound of the water, insects and the sound of the nature was combined into his own jazz.
"I have no love within my head, but inside of my heart I have one,
where it sound like a freedom and rhymes like a sound of natures,
the wolf was singing and I am alive where my finger dance on my guitar,
jazz was a path where I put my love life, without pain,
only love which describe into syncopation and rhythm."
Batu licin Savana - South Kalimantan |
The night almost over, the atmosphere was turning yellow at the dawn, the dew begin to drip and the air is getting warm when the sun arise, replace the moon and draw a new hope of a new day, Mike was starring to the sun from the place he stay. Slowly his reflection is getting clear on the water surface, yellow sun, green grass, red orchid and white cloud.
"This is the time, time of life undertanding." he said. "Love is not a supreme power of life, love is only only thing that will appear when we're alive, the supreme power is our belief," he shout to the sun.
Mike walked from the lake heading to his favourite coffeeshop, The sun now shining very bright, coloring the blue sky and gave warmth to his body when he arrived at the coffee shop.
Seeing Mike's came, Jane was seems so happy and opened the door for Mike. Mike also smile to Jane then he choose his the favourite table next by the window, ussualy everytimes he comes to the coffeeshop the day was rain, but this time is different and Jane knowing that difference. Without saying anything Jane's going to the coffee bar and make a cup of coffee and served to Mike.
Zooming Kopi luwak |
Mike is smiling when Jane come to deliver his coffee and took another chair for Jane to sit next by him. Jane was sitting in front of Mike and she openned the conversation.
"You look so different today, how bout life?"
"if you are asking about totaly life you already knew"
"you served it for me right now?"
"this is a cup of coffee, not life"
"indeed, but life vision is in it with all the philosophy"
"coffee lovers!"