Slowly time is growing until dawn is came and prepare a morning transition within the time which pursuing the wind blow bring out the rain from the mountain to all over the place giving a humidity and spreading the dew into the corner of many creature on this green garden.
While night is finished the story about love and write it in a book of memories inside the rain. The rain fall heavily during the morning, the sun also was to shy only a light pole at the east breaking the cloud waiting for the rain to stop. Night is gone now....
The rain was keeping the book of love and she told it to the morning sun
"Did you know morning sun?
In every minutes I'd stand alone, I was keeping a distance between me and the night because I'm only a shadow which flow into the wind which taking me all over the world without any purpose,
what I'm doing now is giving life, and alone I'd break seize the day to found my own love which taking by the earth deep inside become a river to flow, an ocean to dive and water spring which emanating from the plains to the ocean."
and the morning sun was ask
"Why, Rain? why...? is it your truly love until you'll die for it and leave someone who care a lot about you?
Did you know that the night every minutes I'd know from the Moon, He was love you that much.. every single time he got only waiting for you to come even in a minutes he stand. why?... because I knew that you're a truly love for him."
and then The rain was cry and kept falling heavily, black cloud surrounding is covered the morning sun and thunder is re-sound very loud.
Morning sun kept the light and try to face the storm and breaking the cloud still with the light pole at the eastern of a vision. and slowly the rain stopped to cry, without she realize the day has come and morning sun changing into day noon and starting prepared a twilight to come.
"Sun, I have a love which already given to others so what should I do if night came and tell me story about his loving to me?, please tell me sun?! what should I do? I never love him anyway even in one condition that I need him, but it always be a runaway for me. the wind will take me to light where I couldn't see the night again and again?...please tell me? what is love all about? why I can't get my love meanwhile I should love someone that I didn't love at all!"
ask the rain to the sun. The sun was silent and give a pure light of the day in the corner of the ocean and he told the rain to wait,
"The night will come to you in a minutes, love is something we couldn't see or we able to explain and in this case also not to be feel, you have love and also the night. just let the time passing into you until the night is come and say a word to you."
Its true, the night was come and not as usual he coming with the moon light above, the night was so bright
He falling down so low and at his kneel he said to the rain
"Really I don't wanna be a superior for you
I don't wanna be a priority for you to be love me as I do.

I do not need your love from the bottom of your heart, but let me keep your heart up to infinite time.
though I can not have your heart, but please allow me to be someone that you're going when you feel upset and sad, let me be the first you come to comfort you, give you happiness even though you never could give me happiness.
Let me be the leader responsible for your soul to me later in front of an all-powerful.
let your love flow between the rocks that block your path, I want there to take care of you, keep your heart with all my soul.
let me live until the end of my life along with my loved ones.
I know it's not easy for you to accept me. but give me a chance to answer all your questions and on the road that I choose as my last hold of love.
let me take care of you in your old days, though I can not promise eternal happiness but I will try all means to you one, although I have to lose everything for you. I love your soul, not all that is in you
let me be someone who loves you with all sincerity until the end of my life."
The rain was silent........................................................................................................................
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