We're living in a huge world called "world" earth, space or even beyond the space. we're so small, and only inside our world which we're creating it we're getting bigger and stronger. Many kind of people, many racial and ethnic surround us, living spread above our earth. Some people choose to be powerful man but some people choose to be ordinary, in this earth we stepped beside we're seen many real thing also we're creating a new world beyond our imagination, developed by our dream, hope and also our imagination of better life. We're dreaming about true love where we must use a sword to beat a dragon to get the beloved, then in other way we're also building a box which surround by bastion to keep the world outside enter to our life some people choose to run from the reality but some people also choose to stand and fight even death in front.
About the option, absolutely it came from their heart and him self off course, with own risk and all the consequences even we also didn't judge our self or make a value of it. some people concern and some people doesn't it it also an option right? we're judging or didn't? but I believe that we're judging to get something that we want as a criteria which we're built, the example is if you need a car, perhaps you already got a criteria then made some option. right??
Human being created with two kind which is a man and woman and that was a mate like God created the night and the noon. one of another is completing like the land and the sea, why? perhaps not a good question to ask why because there is no answer of it beside to understand it why God create us as a mate between man and woman.
Since we're born there's many option among us from what we going to eat until with whom we'll lived with. if it collected maybe a hundred or even a billion option of our life then some people conclude that LIFE IS ABOUT A CHOICE! is it true? if we're looking an essence of human or basic instinct of a human then yes the statement was true. but if we're seeing our life more and more what will you conclude? and what i think is LIFE IS A MATTER OF CHOICE BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS LIFE IS ABOUT CONSEQUENCES WITH WHAT WE CHOOSE!
If a baby was given a choice I'll bet he will not choose to born in this world, but it didn't. It become a human process from the beginning till the death come, being a baby, teenagers, get old and die. that was isn't an option so it was a life and all the thing we do is a consequences. if we're choose to be red then what the effect after or maybe we're choose to be black, blue or even not choose anything.
A man choose a wife for his entire life, he choose perfectly that made it as a criteria and wrote it as a wishing list. in his process he will meet many kind of girl then choose one as he think that she was a perfect mate for him, that's a reality which we're able to see it. but then what happens? four years or maybe ten years doing in a relationship with someone which he believed that she's the mate for his life it become a lie, and break in the process the man was found other woman and also the girl was the same. So we're believing that mate in in the God hand. which we're not able to predict it or even make a conclusion of it.
Human being can made a plans, but the human being plans was none of one per billion of God plans.
We can't change the destiny, like we're not able to resist for being old. but in other ways we can change our fate with struggling and fight, a man who has big effort to be a rich man then the result is he become a rich man even those are only a plan. That was the truth which happens in our world to choose what we want, but sometimes we also can't resist the destiny if all we want is just a dream for us. so what we should do?
Do the best thing we can do as a physically fighting and struggling and we must add also a pray and given the result to God plans for us. I believed that God create a way which is always the best for us, even sometimes we're met sorrow, blue days or tears but it always has a purpose, we're sad today to get stronger tomorrow, we're fail to get learn the failure and get the success. that also the truth if we're understand about it.
Yes, there are many intrigue and critical or even heartache in the process of being human, but it also awareness which God given to us so the next day we're able to handle it! right?
How we deal with our self? how we able to control our self without harm others? how we accept this life as a gift from God? etc...etc... and more
but anyway we choose to be our self! so describe your self to your own mirror not my mirror!!! okay dude....!
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