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Toba's lake |
This is my others journey on the exploring other side of Indonesia, and this time I went to Padang Sidimpuan, South Tapanuli, North Sumatera. I want to shared this story because inside I found many thing new and also in this trip it was a challenging trip between life and death and also new lesson for me.
My journey to this place is using a commercial plane from Jakarta to Medan and continued by a small plane to Aek Godang airport - South Tapanuli. On the way to Aek Godang airport I was crossing Toba lake, and it was a wonderful view I ever met from the top and made me realize how beautiful is our earth.
I'm staying at one of Hotel at Padang Sidimpuan to take a rest before the next day which is a long journey to climb one of mountain around South Tapanuli. The next day at the dawn I'd start my climbing with six others, which is my self and the others was a local civil as my porter and my path direction.
After two hours we were climb for the first hill, one of civilian is gave up and to tired to continued the journey so he we decided to sent him back to the village, so only five of us who continued the climbing. (because a certain reason I don't need to mention the name of the mountain because this is not a story a bout the mountain. this is the story of my experience... okay dude?!).
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The river |
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Fish we catch |
I was so shocked listened of all what we're faced in front, but I have no others choice and kept move on, considering how dangerous thing we'll meet at the jungle so I took my cell phone even I didn't know who I should contact.
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Misty forest in the morning |
After one hours we're took a rest at his cottage, the sky was getting dark and the rain was drop heavily. I was wander why a man like him is stayed at a place of no where, then it became a conversation between us, He was at my ages around 30th years old and he told me a story why he decided to stay at that place.
Five years ago he was stayed at Medan city, the capital city of North Sumatra, He also graduated from a famous college there, he was staying alone there because his parent is already died. When he graduated from the college he was met a girl which after he was think that she was a real mate for him. so he was fully struggling to get what he loved and also to get his heart happiness, but the girl was never loved him, for almost two years he was struggle and struggle to get her attention and hoping that she will loved him, but that's not the fact, the girl was in loved with somebody else.
He believed that the love that he felt is true and pure, so he kept it even he only stare from the distance and kept the feeling inside Every day he prayed in purpose that God will shown the ways but till the days his heart more and more believed that it was a true love even he can't belonging her as a mate.
He believed that the love that he felt is true and pure, so he kept it even he only stare from the distance and kept the feeling inside Every day he prayed in purpose that God will shown the ways but till the days his heart more and more believed that it was a true love even he can't belonging her as a mate.
He kept that heart and always tried the best thing that he can't do to get her love, but at the second years the girl was died at a car accident which her boyfriend.
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Rainbow in the evening |
I asked why he choose a forest to made it eternal meantime it can do at the city, because it just about a heart and his heart, I'd also said that is the same with suicide and a foolish thing because it torture our self with the loneliness. He answered if he lived at the city where he can met other people, the future maybe will different, maybe as time goes he will meet the other girl and start to forget the former love, and he didn't want it happens.
[listened that answered... what I'm doing is just kept my silence.....and thought, what is really true love? is it releasing or kept the love till we die?!! so i guess that was a matter a principal]. but the confused thing is he also said that love also releasing but in other way true love also is a true sincerity between us and our heart, he said with his decision to stayed at that place it not called torture or a suicide but it the way of life, because he also believe that mate is in the hands of God, so he was thinking if God send a mate for him then some other time maybe it will be came by it self to this jungle or along his journey of life, so before that time is came he was planned to kept his love to the former girl. [confused...right]
That night the rain drop very heavily and I couldn't slept because thing that we're discussed that night.
I was slept only for two hours and prepared for the next climb to the third hill. we're carrying what only we needed for the climb and the rest is leaved at that man place. because we're planned after we get back the climb we're gonna stayed at his place again.
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me and my coffee |
"Here I'm now, standing between life and death
surrender to All Mighty with my last power to move forward
dancing with my own rain
facing my path forward a high wall to climb, where I'd put my hope on it
and when I look backward, it full of sorrow as deep of the cliff
remembering all my sin which I have been through
remembering love which gave me courage and also a fear"
With the rest of all my power, then we're climb that wall. and we made it even when I climb to that wall my cell phone and my compass was dropped. but yes we made it to stay alive and finished our climb. but it hasn't stopped because we're worried to came back because my compass is dropped also my GPS which suddenly didn't work. I was thinking that we're gonna lost at the jungle.
The rain still fall heavily, my porter said that we must get down soon before the flood is came. So we're moving fast and running with the time, even we're didn't have any direction, we're moved forward following the wind. The time is already 07.00 pm and it's very dark, we're kept moving without the light. four hours we moved, our guidance that time only a sound which made by a man who lived at where we're stay, he made a voice very loud and it sound like a whisperer for us to follow that voice. Eight hours we're walking and finally we're made it to reach that man cottage.
That man said to me, he made that sound to scared all the animals and a thing that we didn't knew inside of the forest, and also he said to me that inside of me, there's a love which I haven't expressed and that's which helping me to get out from the wild forest. [is it true???............. well I never knew it].
well that's my experience for the last weekend! I'm learn many thing inside.
It not shown the way to loving or follow the man to kept the love feeling and buried it someplace but the point is, love is a soul for us also a spirit for us even sometime it get tricky and a beautiful lie.
when you're saw you're self in between, you're able to look what is deep inside of you and what is the regretful thing that you ever done.
It not shown the way to loving or follow the man to kept the love feeling and buried it someplace but the point is, love is a soul for us also a spirit for us even sometime it get tricky and a beautiful lie.
when you're saw you're self in between, you're able to look what is deep inside of you and what is the regretful thing that you ever done.
but that's all only one of love story in this world which we never predict and describe... still be a confused thing!
to see more photos visit http://wordsonlife.webs.com/apps/photos/ or http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=800375418
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