Thursday, March 29, 2012



Asked the April

a few years ago April is only about a time or a matter in it, a full of a month that represent of it self. There were nothing special happens or any of thing that should be remembered. Who was you in the April? are you became yourself when the time is doesn't show what you really need to up or what is depending on it as the time flow the April won't go away. 

The rain might happen on the April or even summer can be possible happen, the sky not as a representative thing to show human individuality but it was a content about humans and humans are standing within a month of a year. 30 days of April that doesn't have any expect or dreams. Is it plural as it seems where it not happens on a days or it was the opposite about a focus of a heart to start loving by doing as common sense or it was just a runaway that actually you have been skipped all the world to find this April and killed by another April. Is it?

In some way you don't need asking about a question, what or why it should be April or time itself as time of continuous minutes, day by day and meet the April to stop all what you're doing and it's all done in a month. Who's April anyway?

[Do you love me?]

There are questions but further are only for existences, it never be a self recognizing. It also ain't a mirror considering peoples are different and has own thought. Importance, existence and what you will find in the future about your self due to time that flowing like the April which suddenly gone and came without you noticed. Is it important? 

About the time itself. When will you stop loving her? or Is she loving you? It was a phrase that possible are chances, it can be happen but it also can be down as there are nothing happen or no longer needed to understand thing that actually larger than questioning about love - time - April where it shouldn't be marked as things that doesn't have the answer!

She asked, did I love you?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


What would you say? 



Do I ?

It is a dance and you're who I didn't know within
on my move I couldn't write thing as I saw you
and when I moved as a painter, I couldn't hold a brush
scratching where my finger is never be grow
coloring while I'm holding dark ink to filled the days

I do where I need to
I sang as a frog who sitting in front the pool
but I'm never swim or to make you swim
as my dance goes
as the silent won't fade away like a tones

What makes different?

The love on mind that doesn't dance
never moved while she was afraid of cold
just don't be I am to love
I came from the shadow of my existence
not even for asking

If you do would you tell me to
to what I am on what expressed in front
I never thought a feel
I just in love in it as my mind is able to speak
for you I do

Language and Digestion

If there are a box you wouldn't asked how many square and how many corner are available from the shape, certainly eyes are only able to see but further eyes also make a final judgement from seeing things through perspectives and a point of human view. 

Words are communicate and how to know and understand the point and it's include how it look on each draw, recognizing, character and what is the representative of the word it self. 

Words ain't a Sword 

It doesn't kill but in the same parable it is a tool to harm and the shape are equal. It is a word where everybody able to used anytime anywhere, it also has own interpretation which it can be mean something good and something bad. 

Love is not Fall in Love

It is the same phrase where love is love and everybody has right to define what is love even some of them are to afraid to define or asking what love is. But love is a conscious way where actually mind is able to speak with it's own path while fall was came suddenly without your self recognizing on what you see. You just knowing what it feel. 

And then all the speaks are sound as words like how a stomach digest your food. What do you understand on words?


Just a Time

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived:
Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love.

One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left.
Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat.

Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness
“No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”

Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel,
“Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.” Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, “Sadness, let me go with you.”
“Oh….Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”

Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her! Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come Love, I will take you.” It was an elder.

Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went his own way.

Love realizing how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?”
“It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “Time?” asked Love.
“But why did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and
answered, “Because, only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.”

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dance against the light

Cinta dalam cahaya

Bila peraduan adalah tempatku terlelap, mungkin aku tidak akan pernah terpejam
dibalik kesadaranku aku berpikir tentang cahaya yang berbeda
entah itu sesudah hujan ternyata kau datang sebagai cahaya

Aku  hanya diam saja pada kemungkinan tertentu 
rasa dan cinta bukan saja terdampar dikesunyian tapi itu proses berpikir
berkomunikasi dengan diam?

Sudah lama pula berteduh dalam hujan
tidak saja aku terjerumus tapi tenggelam
kupegang cahaya saat aku dalam sadar dan bermimpi

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

About a dance

You're acting like you have no skin
while your ear is in the sky capturing the rain drop
your eyes in within your soul
seeing thing that has not seen by other

in some moment
I tried to tied my hands and let my thought are dead for a while
considering you that I seen in front of my eyes
moving like no body knows
but certainly I know my self was capturing the rain
and I should take what I should have
not in a rush

While you're still dancing avoid the rain

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Benarkah aku sudah lupa
seperti ketika cerita yang lalu tak pernah ada
atau seharusnyakah aku tak pernah ada
karena keberadaan hanya sebuah fiksi

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Three point One Four One


Lost in Translation and Symmetry

I shouldn't made a circle if I don't know where it should be end
I can't count down how far my pen already on the board
while the mind thinking the un-perfectness
so therefore I should set my ink for a circle
I shouldn't talk more language
to makes different between my dictionaries and pain
it was symmetrical movement
that I should go round and round
stopping for second and more to go
if tomorrow I should painting
should I buy black ink?
and trade them into a compass
so once again I will not lost
lost between symmetry I wrote
and dictionary which killing my words
I will got another translation

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

Another contemplation

Another contemplation 

Killing The April

It's only a time where it's a matter of time
it shouldn't be an opposite but it's a true composition of thought
majority are inside the minority
like those who singing loud as tenor and basses in the same time
if words are able to kill so when I should killing time
it was harmonious
and it was a war as I have capture all the moment and forgot it
I'm painting now but I don't speak
if this is your face then turn me into a brush
but I won't called it as a curses

I'm not dangerous actually
even I wear a hazardous cloths as my ego
pain who does seen me and I'm in fire
ready killing for time and April
why April?
because those years will not exist if there was no April
I will paint more for December
so words will kill my self
not for my own purposes but for my will
a dream are escaped from my mind
and I'm gonna mad at me
then laughing me at my time

Is there more April to come
for years and month that I should forget
should I be
or shouldn't I become?
Is there a many thought within the expired mind?
no need to answer because it was not my duty
I already choose and become the choosen one
where I should be
and when it was
or when I should be

She Holding a glory without Held on It

She Holding a glory without Held on It

Friday, March 2, 2012

Tentang Sebuah Meja dan Hal yang Terlupa (Antara Mengerti dan Tidak harus Mengerti)


Tidak berukur
sedikit berbentuk tapi seni terlihat

Aku setengah tertawa
diantara mata yang menatap sahabat
sejenak setengah menangis secara bersama

Perkawanan tidak bersahabat
entah kemudian hilang dalam satu bingkai
mungkin saja aku hidup
tanpa batas melintasi meja

Resonansi suara
berkuasa saat sarapan
dengan cinta piringpiring mulai terbuka
sudah sangat jelas aku harus memasang telinga
demi kebanggaan mata sang ayah ibu

Saat peradilan aku terampuni
bukan meja hijau atau biru yang terlihat
mengakui dan menebusnya
Ayahku sempat meggebrak meja
aku kehilangan satu minggu
tapi tetap makan di meja yang sama

Aku berhormat lagi
seperti seseorang menjelang
akupun tidak harus tunduk
tapi harga tetaplah harga
suatu saat ku beli teh yang paling manis
biar mereka tidak segan untuk datang lagi

Meletakan mata pada ujung sembunyi
etika dan tata krama yang terlukis
aku belajar tanpa membayar
aku makan tanpa mengeluh
aku menata kopi di atasnya
perlambang pengabdi dan hormat
jadi biarkan dia melihat dengan terbuka tangan

Table of Life

I sat watching how the dining table can be so meaningful inside a family, it become a media to unite whole thing happens  within the live thing. A mother serve breakfast to her family with love, a father gave a role model how a man handle a family to his child. Kids were learning manner and what need to be an attitude to faced elder people.

It show power, systems and communication between one each others, a court to a family, forgiveness and also the greatest thing in family is love and tender. as an art table it self as esthetic thing that fill the function of the chair, it can be separate how a public table speak on its way into a private emotions among the table itself.

a Symbol and a silent witness of manything, from the small thing when a coffee served and discussions started and the big thing when people are talking about peace around the world or even when was the war happened.

Today I met my friend and talked about life, the table size was not larger than my dinning table at home. Six of us was laugh together there were no limitation for us to talk. Six people, four man and two woman were sitting together rounded at the tinny square table. On the table a different taste of food and drink served, we're communicate each other crossing those table. Suddenly we're stopped in the last minutes after talked many thing, my friend asked "what's happened if one of us is left in the future or maybe the area problem who will separate us from this togetherness and our number will be less, maybe five, four or even we're no longer together and live on one stand each other?".  

The situation became different, all of us was silent and bow. I guessed that all of us were prayedin their heart wished that will be not happen among us. One of my friend confessed that if there are a person will leave in our community is him because he will left overseas and for several years he will absence from our gathering. But my friend who ask the question is said, "it's a matter of time, what I am trying to say is if someone between us is die first". All of us is shout at him and told him to stopped the topic and forget those discourse. One of my friend answered "Do not talk about the future that we even don't know about it, what we should do is doing our best as long as we are still together".

a Lost and thing that probably will happen to us, a symbol of togetherness where today we're gathering and someday  one of us is left us and surely makes a different. different due to time and it represent by a table that often become a witness for us, an intrique, fight, misunderstanding then of of us is hit the table, one of us is crying and many things that will be happen.

a Media that gave us learning, make us easier to do things. a hobby, bussiness, even a dream was created on a table. That's life!